domingo, 6 de outubro de 2024

WAY TO GO - BOOK ONE - Unit 2 - save the World! Go green!

À página 29 há as perguntas:
Are you a green person?    Se você é consciente, ecologicamente falando;

In "short Answer" (resposta curta)
você pode responder afirmativamente 
- Yes, I am. Sim, eu sou.

ou negativamente. No, I am not. Não, eu não sou.

Outros exemplos:
Are you young (jovem)? Yes, I am.
Are you happy (feliz)?
Are you studying?
Are you at home?
Are you at school?

E à pergunta: How green are you?  O quanto verde/ecológico você é?
Nas aulas decorridas, tivemos contato com as idéias dos autores de como "Save energy and sustainable practices" (Poupar energia e práticas sustentáveis)

     As respostas são de responsabilidade dos autores do livro.

RECYCLE! - REUSE! - REDUCE!                   PAGE 30      UNIT 2

1. Choose an environmentally friendly alternative to complete the tips below. The pictures on the previous page can help you!

a. Go
(x ) to school bybike.
( ) to school by car.

b. Choose
( ) incandescent lamps.
(x ) LED lamps.

c. Buy
( ) products with a bad energy star rating.
(x ) products with a good energy star rating.

d. ( ) Take
(x ) Dont take            long hot showers.

e. Use
(x ) eco bags.
( ) plastic bags.

f. ( ) Leave
(x ) Dont leave                   appliances on standby.

2. What can we do to keep our environment healthy?
suggested answers:  save energy, save money, reduce, recycle, sustainable...

3. Wh"t do the 3R's mean? Match the columns.
a. Reduce          ( b) to use again.
b. Reuse            ( c ) to process used materials into new products.
c. Recycle          (a ) to use less.

SAVE THE WORLD!  GO GREEN!                                   UNIT 2 -  Page 31.

1. Answer the questions. Pereonal answers.

a. What things do you do in your house to save energy?   What about your parents?

b. How can you reuse the following everyday items?

Jars and pots.           Newspapers.          Old clothes.           Scrap paper.

c. Do you or your family members reuse items at home? If so, which one(s) and how?    (Você ou sua família reutilizam items em sua casa?  Se sim, quais e como?)
Respostas pessoais.

2. Turn over the page and, before reading the text, look at the layout and the structure.(Vire a página e, antes de ler o texto, olhe a apresentação e estrutura)

Then, choose the correct answers to complete the statements below.

a. The text is:
( ) a timeline.                             (x)a mind map.

b. The text contains:
( ) a main topic only.                       ( x ) a main topic and eight subtopics.

c. The structure ofthe text suggests that it offers:

(x ) a great number of energy saving tips.     ( ) a reduced number of energy saving tips.

3. In pairs write down  three energy saving tips you exípect to find in the text.

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