quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2024

My preferred Teacher - Compositions for Intermediate students.

My  preferred   teacher

        Miss Jane was the name of my preferred teacher.   I was 6 or 7 years old, and I was in the Kindergarten of Municipal School Group “Fontoura Ilha”, in Santa Maria City, center of Rio Grande do Sul State.  She was the teacher who awoke me most. Today when I remember her physiognomy, I think she was not so physically pretty, however why all boys, including the other series, stated her charming? And the girls who were jealous? and another that even tried getting dressed identical her!  She wasn’t tall, nor blond, neither thin, but she was very, very enchanter. I think my childhood beauty standards did not remain the same until the present age.  She was very pretty in several other aspects, and not just me, but many students adored her youth, beauty and attractive face and brilliant sight.  She  gave much attention and captivated  very well  her students. I believe she owned one fetish,  which kept us always docile, and solicitous, then we every time did all her stipulations. And this was the other difference: she did not transmit her orders as our parents or relations. I think she suggested. This should be the most correct word, which agreed with her beauty of soul.  Well, what did me recall and write about her were some extraordinary curiosities. Besides she had been my first teacher in life, was also on my graduation course, in the first semester, more or less twenty years later, and the most impressive ingredient: the fact of she had recognized me when read my name in her list. I believe she had engraving my appearance of being and acting way in reason that I was a very shy child (and still even today).   It may seem impossible, but she returned to administer classes for me in a curricular extra course. After that I came to Brasilia and didn’t have her notice any more.
    Brasília–DF, October 2004.     
                                                                Darci G. Pinheiro – Student

I didn’t remember this paragraph served to my classification in the course, then even late I wrote in high hopes you sensibly correct it.

I don’t  remind if I only was 7 years old when I entered at school. I studied the primary in a public school, subsequently the gymnasium and high school in private “Supplementary course”,  and I entered in the graduation course in 74, in Santa Maria City,  RS State, and concluded it in 81 at CEUB.  I was admitted as English teacher at FEDF by the first time in 86, and by the second time in March 2002, therefore I am a sixty–hours teacher (and I love it).   Concluding:  I was forgetting ... furthermore  I am Sex ...  age ... narian!

People and progress - Composition for intermediate students

C  O  M  P  O  S  I  T  I  O  N       People and  progress.

            I would like to begin this composition with an excellent parallel about this matter but while the progress walk in gigantic steps in all fields of sciences; most of the people are basically stationed in the backward of their ignorance. Nevertheless, we have to distingue the progress of an industrialized country and what is regressed in improvements to their community from another country without industrialization and their poor people.
            The people walk side by side with the progress only over the richest nations because they have money to support their satisfaction. Their evolution happens even without they suffer privation because it’s a natural thing that other communities will live with them.  The high technology helps their finances and increases the understanding and the research according to the opportunities and the enthusiasm.  That special group of people who belong to the first world are the wonder of the universe.          
By other side, we are slaved and explored because we don’t have the know-how for many things and our best researchers are obligated to move to new places also it’s inevitable to explain that we are one of the most corrupt people on the Earth surface.  Then this elucidate my  point of view.  To summarize:  Our people don’t enjoy and don’t increase the progress because we aren’t well governed.

MNEMO  SYSTEM  English              (  X  )        Reading IV                    Friday, September 22nd 2000.

Calendars - How many are there? and What are they?


The earliest complete calendars were probably based on lunar observations. They first saw the new crescent Moon. The interval from new moon to new moon  is about 29.53 days. Consequently, calendar months contained either 29 or 30 days. Twelve lunar months, which total 354.36 days, form a lunar year, almost 11 days shorter than a tropical year. Hundreds of calendars, with variations, were formed at various times in such different areas as Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, India, and China. The  Mayan calendar divided the year into 18 20-day months, with a 5-day period at the end.

The Roman calendar was in error by several months during the reign of Julius Caesar, who formed one with the help of the astronomer, Sosigenes. The year 46 BC was given 445 days, to compensate for past errors, and every common year thereafter was to have 365 days. Every fourth year, starting with 45 BC, was to be designated a jump year of 366 days, February, which commonly had 28 days, was extended by one day. The rule was not correctly applied, but the calendar was corrected by Augustus Caesar by AD 8.

Pope GREGORY XIII, with the help of an astronomer, Christopher Clavius (1537-1612), introduced what is now called the Gregorian calendar. Thursday, Oct. 4, 1582 (Julian), was followed by Friday, Oct. 15, 1582 (Gregorian); The Gregorian calendar was quickly adopted by Roman Catholic countries and, eventually, by every Western country and Japan, Egypt, and China.

The Hebrew calendar in use today begins at the Creation, which is calculated to have occurred 3,760 years before the Christian era.

The Islamic Calendar. Muslims begin their calendar at the day and year (July 16, 622, by the Gregorian calendar) when Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina. There are 12 lunar months of alternate 30 and 29 days, making the year only 354 days long, so the months move backward through all the seasons and complete a cycle every 32 1/2 years.
(Sources: Almanaque Abril, 2004;  Revista Despertai! Fev. 97; Encarta Encyclopedia 98 and Grolier Multimidia.)


Os calendários completos mais antigos eram provavelmente baseados em observações lunares. Eles observavam a Lua nova crescente. O intervalo da lua nova até a lua nova seguinte é mais ou menos 29.53 dias. Conseqüentemente, os  meses do calendário continham  29 ou 30 dias. Doze meses lunares, formam um ano lunar, com  354.36 dias totais, quase 11 dias menos que um ano tropical. Centenas de calendários, com variações, foram formadas em vários tempos em diferentes áreas como Mesopotâmia, Grécia, Roma, Índia, e a China. O  calendário Maia dividiu o ano em 18 meses de 20 dias, com um período de 5 dias no fim
       O calendário Romano ficou errado por vários meses durante o reinado de Júlio César, que formou um com a ajuda do astrônomo, Sosígenes. O ano 46 aC recebeu 445 dias, para compensar os erros passados, e cada ano após, era para ter 365 dias e, a cada quatro anos, começando em 45 aC, era para ser designado ano “bissexto” com 366 dias, fevereiro, que comumente tem 28 dias, foi estendido em um dia. A regra não foi corretamente aplicada, mas foi corrigido por Augusto César no ano 8 dC.
      O Papa Gregório XIII, com ajuda do astrônomo Christopher Clavius (1537-1612), introduziu o que é agora chamado “Calendário Gregoriano”. Quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 1582 (Calendário Juliano), foi seguido pela sexta-feira, 15 de outubro de 1582 (Calendário Gregoriano); O calendário gregoriano foi adotado por países católicos romanos e, eventualmente, por todo país Ocidental,  o Japão, Egito, e a China.

     O calendário Hebreu em uso hoje começou com  a Criação, que é calculada para ter acontecido 3,760 anos antes da era cristã.

O Calendário islâmico – Os muçulmanos começaram  o seu calendário em 16 de julho de 622 (pelo calendário gregoriano),  quando Muhammad (Maomé) saiu de Meca para Medina.  Existem 12 meses lunares alternados de 30 e 29 dias, fazendo o ano só com 354 dias, então os meses voltam, passando por todas as estações e completam o ciclo a cada 32 1/2 anos

(Fontes: Almanaque Abril Multimídia, 2004;   Revista Despertai! Fev. 97 (a idéia principal);   Encarta Encyclopedia Multimedia 98;      e Grolier Encyclopedia Multimedia.)

Origem do nome de Cidades PARACATU - EM INGLÊS

            Paracatu City is discontinued (cut) by a river of the same name (Paracatu River). There is an immense Extraction English Company of gold in the city, but nobody may arrive near by the river nor fishers.  Some inhabitants divulge the story that the city’s name has origin in a dialog developed by two friends who want to fight themselves, and were crying to the other,  at each margin the river : come to here and the other answered come to here you.   This story was told me by fishermen colleague, at that river. We fish many times there!

           What’s the origin of your City’s name?  Do you know it? Then send me!!! It may be in Portuguese Language!!  


FILMES E VÍDEOS DO PAS UnB 2024 - PLAYLIST das 3 Etapas com mais de 120 filmes e vídeos

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