domingo, 20 de outubro de 2024

Staying Alive - Mantendo-se Vivo. Pg 19. Compact English Book.

Staying alive
How are you living? What are you doing to stay healthy? Are you not eating and sleeping accordingly? Are you working and worrying too much? Aren't you exercising? Even being very useful, these questions are often boring to answer.
If you are taking care of your life, congratulations! But if you are smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes; making use of drugs like pot, cocaine or crack; drinking alcoholic beverages in excess; eating too much and sleeping late, my sympathies!* You are entering the roll of people facing actual risky factors.
Your chances of a long and healthy life are not many. At least, these are some of the medical conclusions all over the world.

Vocabulary:alive - having life; active accordingly – adequately
at least - at the minimum beverage - drink
boring – tedious healthy - in good physical conditions
often – frequently pot – marijuana roll – list


1. O que você não pode inferir do texto?
a) Você deve deitar e levantar cedo.
b) Devemos comer com moderação.
c) Deve-se dormir adequadamente.
d) É importante nos preocuparmos com a saúde.
e) Você não deve ter preocupações excessivas.

2. Qual das citações abaixo não se enquadra no texto?
a) 0 Ministério da Saúde adverte: fumar pode causar diversos males à sua saúde.
b) Diga não às drogas.
c) Dormir é o melhor remédio.
d) Mente sã em corpo são.
e) Prevenir é melhor que remediar.

3. 0 texto apresenta:
a) questionamentos e ameaças.
b) dicas e deveres.
c) indicações e avisos.
d) receitas e sugestões.
e) críticas e estímulos.

4. As frases My congratulations e My sympathies poderiam ser
usadas, respectivamente, nas seguintes ocasiões:
a) Natal e noivado.
b) casamento e batizado.
c) Ano-novo e Ação de Graças.
d) formatura e Dia dos Namorados.
e) aniversário e velório.

5. Marque a alternativa ortograficamente incorreta.
a) staying - worrying - sleeping
b) doing - living -exercising
c) enterring - sleeping - staing
d) facing - drinking - smoking
e) taking - eating - working .

THE ACE = GABARITO: 1 = A); 2 = C); 3 = A); 4 = E); 5 = C)
(From Compact English Book; Vol único; Wilson Liberato, Ed FTD; Unit 2; p. 19/20)

A talk with the doctor - Uma conversa com o/a doutor/a - Unit 11 from Compact English Book.

A talk with the doctor
Mr. Keith Smith is having an appointment with Dr. Judith Thompson, an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Judith: What's going on with you, Mr. Smith?
Keith: I've been snoring lately, Dr. Thompson, and this has been an unpleasant thing to my wife.
Judith: Has your wife told you about your snoring or have you woken up with apnea?
Keith: Apnea? What is this?
Judith: It's a temporary absence or a cessation of breathing. Have you had this during your sleep?
Keith: Yes, once in a while, yes.
Judith: Curious... Everything seems absolutely normal. Have you had changed your habits recently?
Keith: Well, I've been eating more than usual at dinner time. That has increased my weight in six kilos.
Judith: Hmmmm... Obesity, enlarged tonsils, chronic nasal congestion, and congenital physical abnormalities are the possible causes of snoring.
Keith: Do you think I'm an obese person? Not yet, but you've got to be careful. What do you mean?
Judith: Try to reduce your eating impulses and keep a uniform diet. Your weight will decrease and the snoring will probably disappear in a few weeks. If the symptoms persist, I will ask for an X-ray of your face.
Keith: Do I have to take any medicine?
Judith: I won't prescribe you any medicine.
Keith: Oh, thank God it's nothing serious. Thank you, Dr. Thompson.
Judith: Don't mention it.


throat— the front part of the neck, containing the pharynx and the larynx
to snore — to breathe through the mouth and nose with noise in sleep unpleasant — disagreeable
once in a while — sometimes
tonsils — the two small internal organs at the back of the mouth
to decrease — to reduce gradually
Check your reading

1. A especialidade da Dra. Judith é:

a) oftalmologia.
b) nefrologia.
c) otorrinolaringologia.
d) ortopedia.
e) geriatria

2. A disfunção física de que trata o texto provoca:
a) dores.
b) falta de apetite.
c) excesso de apetite.
d) falta de sono.
e) Desconforto

3. Dentre as informações contidas no texto, deduz-se que:
a) a apnéia é uma doença do sono.
b) a obesidade pode provocar distúrbios no sono.
c) amídalas largas causam problemas de respiração.
d) há relação entre apnéia e rouquidão.
e) a congestão nasal crônica é uma anormalidade congênita.

4. Na sentença "I've been eating more than usual", de que outra forma o trecho sublinhado poderia ser expresso?
a) I have ate
b) I've eating
c) I'm eating
d) I've eaten
e) I am eaten

5. Quais os substantivos que correspondem aos verbos breathe, prescribe, disappear?
a) breath — prescription — disappearance
b) breth — prescribing — disappearance
c) breeth — prescription — disappearment
d) braeth — prescrivition — dispparition
e) breathingly – prescition — disparition

THE ACE = GABARITO: 1) c; 2) e; 3) b; 4) d; 5) a.

Grammar in Focus - Present perfect continuous
forma AfirmativaSujeito + have/has + been + verbo + -ing
She has been teaching biology lately.
NegativaShe has not (hasn't) been teaching biology lately.

InterrogativaHas she been teaching biology lately?
Has she not/Hasn't she been teaching biology lately?

Uso do Present Perfect ContinuousEnfatiza a continuidade de uma ação iniciada no passado e que se prolonga até o presente:

I have been doing my job.
Estou fazendo/tenho estado fazendo meu trabalho.
She has been studying for three hours.
Ela está estudando/tem estado estudando há três horas.
(In: Wilson Liberato; Compact English Book; Vol. Único; Unit 11; P. 152/62)
O Present Perfect Continuous não deve ser confundido corn o Present continuous.

Present Perfect Continuous
He has been practicing his English lately.
Ele está praticando/tem estado praticando seu inglês ultimamente.
(A ação de praticar o inglês está ocorrendo ultimamente.)
Present Continuous: he is practicing his English now.
(Ele está praticando seu inglês agora.)
(Neste caso, a ação esta acontecendo no momento da fala.)

Complete as sentenças corn o Present Perfect Continuous ou corn o present Continuous dos verbos entre parênteses.

1. I_____________________ (to call) her since midday.
2. I_________(to try) a solution to our trouble for the last three days.
3. What________ you__________ (to do) now?
4. How long__________ they_______________ (to live) in Brazil?
5. Look at my father! He________________________ (to drink) a lot at this party.
6. Where________ you____________________ (to work) lately?
7. The patient ______________ (to suffer) from this disease since left his last job.
8. She _______________________ (to read) your book for two weeks, but
she hasn't finished it yet.
9. We_______________________ (to wait) your answer since last month.
10. ______ it_______________ (to rain) now?

Indefinite article
a — um; uma
Usado antes de palavras no singular iniciadas por:

· consoante:
a boy; a year; a yellow car; a wall; a horse
· u, eu, ew com som de /ju:/: a university; a unit; a euphemism; a European; a ewe (ovelha)
· h aspirado: a hospital; a housewife; a hut
· one: a one-way bottle (uma garrafa não-retornável) a one-eyed person (uma pessoa caolha)
an — um; uma
Usado antes de palavras no singular iniciadas por:
· vogal: an asterisk; an elephant; an idiom
· h mudo: an hour; an honor (uma honra); an heir (um herdeiro); an honest
· letras que, quando pronunciadas, possuem som vocálico
(f, h, l, m r, s, x): an FM station; an X-ray

Usos de a/an

· antes de nomes de profissões:

She's an actress. He's a reporter.
· em algumas expressões numéricas:
half a dozen/a half dozen (meia dúzia) a hundred (cem; uma centena) ; a lot of (muito; muitos)
· em expressões de preço, velocidade, freqüência:
ten cents a kilo (dez centavos o quilo)
ninety kilometers an hour (noventa quilômetros por hora)
three times a day (três vezes por dia)
· em exclamações:
What a night! (Que noite!)
What a mess! (Que bagunça!)
It was such an awful day! (Foi um dia tão horrível!)

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