sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2024

Abreviaturas Inglesas mais usadas na Internet ou Emails.

(abrevituras marcadas  “in general use” não são usadas apenas em e-mails)

AAMOF = as a matter of fact
AFAIK = as far as I know
AKA = also known as (in general use)
ASAP  = as soon as possible (in general use)
AOB = any other business (in general use)
ATB = all the best  (ending an e-mail letter)

B4 = before
B4N = bye for now
BFN =  “     “     “
BCNU = be seeing you
BTW = by the way
b/w = between
c/o = care of (in general use)
CM = call me
CMIIW = correct me if I’m wrong
CUL = see you later
CUL8R = see you later
CU = see you

DIY = do it yourself (in general use)
DK = don’t know

EMSQ = e-mail message
ETA = estimated time of arrival (in general use)

F2F = face to face
FAQ = frequently asked questions
FS = for sale
FWIW = for what it’s worth
FYA = for your amusement
FYI = for your information

G2G = got to go
GL = good luck
GMTA = great minds think alike
GOWI = get on with it

HAND = have a nice day
HTH = hope this helps

IC = I See
ICWUM = I See What You Mean
IIRC = if I remember correctly
ILU = I love you
ILU2 = I love you too
IMHO = in my humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion
IOU = I owe you (in general use)
IOW = in other words
ISO = in search of
ISTR = I seem to remember

KIT = keep in touch

LNIB = like new in a box (Internet sale of an item in almost-new condition)

L8R = later
LTNS = long time no see (= I haven’t seen you for a long time)

MRU = most recently used (Internet sale)
MYOB = mind your own business

n/m = never mind
NOS = new old stock (Internet sale: old but unused)
NOYB = none of your business
NP = no problem
NYP = not your problem
NRN = no reply necessary

OBO = or best offer (Internet sale)
OTOH = on the other hand

PIN = personal identification number (in general use)
PLS or PLZ = please
PLMK = please let me know
PMJI = pardon me for jumping in (Internet chat room)
POP = point of purchase (Internet sale)
POS = point of sale (Internet sale)

RE = regarding (in general use)
ROFL (or: ROTFL) = rolling on the floor laughing
RTM = read the manual
RTFM = read the friendly manual
RYFM = readyour friendly manual

SNAFU = situation normal, all fouled up  (in general use)
SRY = sorry
SUL = see you later
SUS = see you soon

TAFN = that’s all for now
TIA = thanks in advance
TNX = thanks
TTFN = ta ta (= goodbye) for now
TTYL = talk to you later
TTTT = to tell the truth
TYVM = thank you very much

UOK = Are you OK?

w/ = with
w/b = welcome back
WBASAYC = write back as soon as you can
w/o = without
WRT = with regard/respect to
WTB = want to buy (Internet sale)

X! = typical man

Y! = typical woman
YBS = you’ll be sorry
4YEO = for your eyes only
YMMV = your mileage may vary (your results may be different)
YT = yours truly
YW = you’re welcome
ZZZ = sleeping

EMOTICONS - (also called smileys; a face sideways)

:-) = happy (also on some keyboards)
:-(  or  :-C or :-< = unhappy
:-)) = very happy
(:+( = scared
:-D = laughing
:-( ) = talking
:-O = shocked
|-|  = asleep
|-C = sleepy
:-x = kiss
[ ] = hug
} { = face to face
>:-< = angry
>>:<< = very angry
:,-C  = crying
:-O = surprised
%-C = confused and sad
Source (Fonte): Password Dictionary.

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