sábado, 5 de outubro de 2024


página 52




 Present Continuous Tense 

am, is, are + verb +ing  

Descreve uma ação que está acontecendo agora, neste momento.
1.         Pode ser acompanhado do Imperativo: 
Look out!   A car is coming.  (Cuidado! Um carro está vindo.)  

Listen to me!  I am talking.  (Ouça, me! Estou falando.)

We are reading and learning now. (Estamos lendo e aprendendo/ descobrindo agora.)
2.         Alguns advérbios são empregados: now (agora); at  this  moment (neste momento); at present (agora). 
3.         A forma interrogativa é feita antecipando-se o verbo (am,is,are) ao sujeito:                
What are you doing now?  I am studying, at this moment. Learn
Am I studying now?  Yes, I am reading and studying now.
Is it happening at present?  Yes, it is.  (está acontecendo agora?  Sim, está)
4.  A forma negativa é formada colocando-se “not ou n’t” após (AM, is, are)      I am not writing. (Não estou escrevendo).      
You aren’t eating now. (Você não está comendo agora).                        
He is not (isn’t) waiting for me. (Ele não está me esperando.)

5.                  Verbos terminados em “E”:  – e + ing – Exemples:  write à writing (escrever);  Love > loving;   make – making (fazer);  take > taking (pegar);  give > giving (dar);  have > having; …

6.                  Verbos terminados em C-V-C (consoante, vogal, consoante): dobra a última consoante.  
Stop --> stopping;  swim > swimming (nadar);  run > running (correr); shop > shopping (ir às compras);  cut > cutting (cortar); …

7.                  Verbos finished em “ie”:  – ie + y + ing. Ex:  
die >  dying (morrer/morrendo);               lie > lying (mentir)

I am preparing for a trip.   I am taking little things, because I am going to stay few days. I am going to travel by plane, and there are some weight restrictions.    I am not writing from the voyage yet.  I’m writing in my bedroom, but I am waiting my tour group now. They phoned me to say that they are coming at the present.  It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and I am waiting them in front of my house now.  In other opportunity I’ll tell more about my travel.

Exercises – Conjugue no “present continuous tense.

1.         Those flowers ______________ . (estão morrendo – die).
2.         The daylight _____________  fast. (está desaparecendo – die)
3.         I ______________  for  drink some water.  (estou louco por – die)
4.           She ______________  to see her boyfriend.  (está doida – die)
5.         _______ you ____________ to visit me? (planejar – plan (CVC)
6.         We ___________________at  home. (chegar em – get (CVC)
7.         Pantanal ___________ a top travel for ecotourism. (tornar-se – get)
8.         Some cities _________________ richer. (tornar-se – become)
9.         _______ Brazil ________ the Amazon for Energy? (destruir – destroy)

10.     _______ vandals _____________ our school? (destruir – destroy) 


Adjective (*)
Substantive (**)
I       (eu)
MY   (meu, minha)
MINE (meu/s, minha/s)
YOU (tu)
YOUR    (teu, tua)
YOURS (teu/s,  tua/s)
HE  (ele)
HIS    (dele)
HIS (dele, seu)
SHE  (ela)
HER   (dela)
HERS (dela, sua)
IT (ele, ela)
ITS (dele/a)
WE   (nós)
OUR (nosso/a/s)
OURS (nosso/a(s)
YOU  (vós, vocês)
YOUR (vossos/as)
YOURS (vossos/as)
THEY (eles, elas)
THEIR (deles, delas)
THEIRS (deles/as...

( * ) Acompanha um substantivo; daí o nome ADJETIVO.
( ** ) Vem sozinho), exerce função de substantivo.

     I – Choose the correct pronoun.
1.       Stars form, use up ________ energy as heats and light, and finally die.      (they — their —its — theirs)
2.       There are more than 6 billion women, men and children living on ________ planet today.           (we   —  our — ours — its)
3.  Girls can talk about ______ pain, but society trains boys to hide _____        
      (they — their  —   his)     /  (they — their — theirs)
4. The man began to see scenes of ____________ life. (he — him — his — its)
5.  The warrior held a spear in __________ right hand. (he — him — his — its)
One day a doctor will determine that _______ brain has ceased to function.       
(my —mine — ours — its)
1.     Jane has already eaten her lunch , but I'm saving  until later
2.     She has broken     leg.
3.     My mobile needs to be fixed, but  is working.
4.   computer is a Mac, but    is a PC.
5.     We gave them   telephone number, and they gave us  .
6.  pencil is broken. Can I borrow  ?
7.   car is cheap, but    is expensive .
8.     You can't have any chocolate! It's all   !

  Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:

Where is (I)    book?
Here is (we)    teacher.
She goes to school with (she)  brother.
(They)      father works in a car factory.
(You)       laptop is very expensive.
(He)      favorite hobby is tennis.
(I)    husband and I want to go to Paris.
We want to see (it)    historical monuments.
Leila likes (she)       dog !
(It)   name is Bobby.

   Choose the right possessive adjective:
Two students didn't do    mathematics homework.
I have a car.     color is black.
We have a dog.    name is Pancho.
Nancy is from England.     husband is from Australia.
Ann and Nadia go to a high school. little brother goes to primary school.
Alan has a van.   van is very old.
We go to a high school.  high school is fantastic.
I like singing.  mother sings with me.
François and Alain are French.  family are from France.
Mary likes  grandmother. She often visits her.

What about we trainee on examinations of second bimonthly?
 Leia o texto e faça o que se pede. Cupid

        Cupid (from Latin Cupid, 'desire'), in Roman mythology, is the son of Venus, goddess of love and beauty. In Greek mythology he was Eros, god of love. He is best known as the young god who falls in love with the beautiful Psyche. This story is in The Golden Ass, a romance by the Roman writer Lucius Apuleius.
     He appears, in other tales, as a boy who indiscriminately hurts both gods and humans with his arrows, causing them to fall deeply in love. Cupid is commonly represented in art as a naked, flying/ winged child, carrying a bow and arrows.
to fall in love = apaixonar-se
(Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2000.)

       Judge the sentences, according to the text and your erudition:  True   or   False?            ( c )  ou  (E)  
1.         “Cupid is carrying a bow and arrows” is a sentence in the Present Continuous Tense.    
2.         Is he carrying a bow and arrows?  It’s a sentence corretamente escrita in Interrogative-Negative form.              
3.         Goddess is a Word escrita in the plural form.  
4.         The plural of winged child is winged children.
5.         The Golden Ass is a sentence já escrita no plural. 
6.         In Greek mythology, Cupid was Eros…  Esta sentence já está escrita no plural.    
7.         Listen to me. Cupid is hurting you. They are sentences written (escritas) in Imperative and Present Continuous Tense.             
8.         He hurts both gods and humans with his arrows…. Is a sentence written (escrita) totally in the plural form.
9.         “He hurts” se colocarmos esta sentence in the Present Continuous Tense, ficaria: He is hurting.”
10.       Naked child significa que a criança está nua.

Releia o texto CUPIDO e marque a única alternativa correta, nas questões a seguir:

QUESTÃO           1
De acordo com o texto “Cupido é...”
a)     o deus do amor e da beleza que flecha a todos sem distinção de raça, credo ou cor da pele.
b)    um romance escrito por um romano antigo.
c)     anjo alado nu.
d)    quem dispara flechas indistintamente para fazer  a pessoa se apaixonar.
e)    carrega arco e flechas.
QUESTÃO            2
De acordo com o texto “Eros é...”
a)     apaixonado por Venus.
b)     apaixonado por Cupido.
c)     o outro nome de Cupido
d)     história da mitologia.
e)     uma invenção dos antigos escritores.

QUESTÃO       3
De acordo com o texto “Venus é...”
a)     a deusa do amor e da beleza.
b)     por quem Cupido se apaixona.
c)     a bonita Psyche.
d)     quem carrega arco e flechas.
e)     quem nos fere e faz nos apaixonarmos.

QUESTÃO       4
       De acordo com o texto “Quem Cupido fere ...”
a)     carrega arco e flechas.
b)    torna-se um(a) jovem apaixonado(a).
c)     está escrito no livro “O Asno Dourado”.
d)    torna-se feliz para sempre.
e)    apaixona-se profundamente.

QUESTÃO            5
A expressão “The son of Venus” written in female form, is
a)       the son of Venus
b)       the sons of Venuses
c)       the daughter of Venus
d)       the mother of Venus
e)       N.D.A.

 QUESTÃO            6
A forma interrogative de “He appears as a naked child.” Is
a)       He doesn’t appears as a naked child.
b)       Does he appear as a naked child?
c)       Is he appears as a naked child?
d)       He is appears as a naked child?

e)       N.D.A.

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