domingo, 13 de outubro de 2024

Prova de Inglês do PAS da 1a Etapa de 2002, com gabarito.

The importance of play 

         What do most Nobel Laureates, innovative entrepreneurs,
artists and performers, well-adjusted children, happy couples and
families, and the most successfully adapted mammals have in
common? They play enthusiastically throughout their lives.
What common denominator is shared by mass assassins,
abused children, depressed mothers, caged animals, and
chronically worried students? Play is rarely or never a part of
their lives.
       Some Americans love to play. We flock(1) to places like
Disneyland, Sea World, Universal Studios, among others. We
swarm(2) to golf courses, tennis courts and soccer fields. We go to
fishing ponds, water parks, concert halls, and pool halls.
The meaning of play is unknown to most of us, partly
because our work-obsessed society denies its value and relegates
it to a position far below that of work.


1flock: (v) move, come or go together in great numbers.
2swarm: (v) come together in a large group, like insects.
Internet: (with adaptations).

Questão 5

According to the text above,

1 people always give a lot of importance to play.
2 success is related to play.
3 lack of play may be associated to crime.
4 only children can play.
5 Americans can play at many different places.


From the point where the girl is in the picture above,

1 the shortest distance to the house is going straight through the woods.
2 she is closer to the news-stand than to the bus stop.
3 she is facing the library.
4 if she turns 90º clockwise, the woods will be behind her.
5 she has to turn left at the next corner to get to the house.

Questão 7

Summer jobs 

      Anna, Joe and Trevor all work at a summer park. One of
them is a day camp director, one a lifeguard, and one a swim team
coach. Because of their jobs, they wear different colored shirts to
      Anna, Joe and Trevor had a meeting. Joe said that his
swim team would have practice tomorrow. Joe told the person
wearing the blue shirt that he had to work late the following day.
Trevor told the lifeguard that the other guards should also wear
red shirts when they work. Then, the person wearing the green
shirt left the meeting.
Internet: (with adaptations).

According to the text,

1Trevor is the camp director and is wearing a blue shirt.
2 Anna is the lifeguard and is wearing a red shirt.
3 Joe is the swim coach and is wearing a green shirt.
4 Joe is planning to play soccer until late in the day after the meeting.

Questão 8

National parks 

 Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, the fifth
largest in the world (8,547,403 km2) and it is among the ones with
the biggest biological diversity worldwide. The Brazilian territory
is home to 15 to 30% of all the species in the planet. 22% of the
flora, 10% of amphibians and mammals and 17% of the birds of
the world can be found at the big national ecosystems, namely:
The Amazon Jungle, the Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest), which
changed into the Mata das Araucárias (Araucaria or Brazilian
Pine Forest) in the south of the country, the Cerrado (tropical
Meadows), the Pantanal (Brazilian Lowlands), the “Caatinga”
(or Semiarid region) and the Pampas (or Southern Grasslands).
There are also coastal ecosystems, with a great diversity of
environments, and caves of the speleological heritage, considered,
by law, special ecosystems.
Internet: (with adaptations).

With the text above as a starting point, judge the following items.

1 China, Russia, Mexico and the USA are each larger than Brazil.
2 Brazil’s territory extends all along the tropics and the equator.
3 83% of the birds of the world are in Brazil.
4 The Brazilian Lowlands are located in the center-west region.
5 The Amazon Jungle is linked to the Atlantic Forest by the Brazilian Pine Forest.

Gabarito (Cespe UnB)5 = ECCEC;   6=CCEEE;   7= CCCE;          8= EEECE

A prova original pode ser acessada no link: 

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