segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2024

Drácula existiu realmente? - Unit 7 - Compact English Book

Did Dracula really exist?Yes and no. Dracula is a book written by the Irish author, Bram (Abraham) Stoker (1847-1912) who told the story of an evil count from Transylvania (now part of Romania). The nobleman could turn into a vampire bat. He sucked people's blood by biting them on their necks. His victims became his slaves.
Dracula was a figment of Stoker's vivid imagination, but in the 1400s there was a cruel ruler of Transylvania known as Vlad the Impaler. He got this nickname because he had awful habits: drive stakes through the bodies of his enemies and left them to die. No doubt Stoker had Vlad in mind when he wrote the book.
(Adapted from The Giant Book of Facts, Octopus Books Ltd., 1989, p 242.In: Compact English Book. P. 92)
vocabularyevil - bad,diabolic count – nobleman to turn into - to transform figment - invention, products of imagination awful - terrible
ruler - person who governs and controls a country
impaler - perforator, piercer mind = mente

Complete the sentences according the text:

1. Dracula is a/an ...
2. Vlad is a/an ...
3. Transylvania is a/an ...
4. Vlad, the nobleman could turn into ...
5. Stoker is a/an


1 = a); 2 = b); 3 = c); 4 = a); 5 = c).

II – Judge the sentences ( V ) ou ( F ) ?

1.___ Dracula didn't have slaves. (have–had–had=ter)
2.___ Dracula is an invented name.
3.___ Dracula became a ruler in the 1400s. (become–became–become = transform)
4.___ Dracula was probably inspired in Vlad the Impaler.
5.___ Bram Stoker died at the age of 56. (expired)
6.___ Romania bought Transylvania. (buy–bought–bought = acquisition by money)
7.___ Stoker gave a nickname to Vlad. (give–gave–given = presented)
8.___ Vlad drove stakes through the bodies of his enemies.(drive–drove–driven=impelled)
9.___ Vlad the Impaler really lived about six thousand years ago. (existed)
10.___ Vlad the Impaler made suffer his friends. (make-made-made = fazer)


A terminação-ed, usada para formar o passado e o particípio passado dos verbos regulares, possui três tipos de pronúncia:
1. ed com som de /d/-verbos cuja pronúncia da sílaba final faz vibrar as cordas vocais: belonged /d/ --- stayed /d/ --- involved /d/ --- opened /d/

2. ed com som de /t/ - Verbos cuja pronúncia da sílaba final não faz vibrar as cordas vocais: helped /t/ --- walked /t/ --- kissed /t/

3. ed com som de /id/ - Verbos cuja pronúncia final seja t ou d:

interested /id/ --- waited /id/ --- pretended /id/--- ended /id/

Marque a alternativa na qual a transcrição fonética da terminação-ed esteja correta.

1. talked: a) /d/ ----- b) /t/ ----- c) /id/
2. pulled: a) /d/----- b) /t/ ----- c) /id/
3. exported: a) /d/----- b) /t/---- c) /id/
4. stopped: a) /d/----- b) /t/----- c) /id/
5. planned: a) /d/----- b) /t/ -----c) /id/

III – Mark the correct alternative:

1. Which (Quais/al) of the proposition(s) contain/s the correct form of the simple past tense? (Mark a soma do/s item/s correct/s.)(01) Does he find a boat? (find – found – found = encontrar)

(02) He didn’t marry Kim yesterday. (marry = desposar, casar-se)
(04) They didn’t had water. (have – had – had = ter)
(08) They are in Hong Kong today.
(16) They suffered an accident last Tuesday. (suffer = sofrer)
(32) They brought the boat to Hong Kong. (bring – brought – brought = trazer)

a) 03 b) 07 c) 20 d) 48 e) 50

(UFPR) 37 Are killed in Thai crash (adapted)

BANGKOK (AP)* -An airplane carrying tourists to Ko Samui, a resort island in the Gulf of Thailand, crashed (collided) Wednesday during heavy (intense) rains, killing all 37 people aboard.
The Bangkok Airways jet, on a flight (voyage by air) from Bangkok, went down (accident) 10 kilometers from the runway of the airport. The plane was carrying 33 passengers, including 29 foreigners, and a crew (group of plane worker) of four. * AP - Associated Press

2. According to the text it is correct to say that:

(01) The plane was going to Bangkok.

(02) The plane landed safely in the Gulf of Thailand. (aterrissou)
(04) The plane was leaving Ko Samui when it crashed. (leave = sair, partir)
(08) The plane crashed during the weekend.
(16) All passengers and crew members died in the airplane crash.
(32) The majority of the passengers were foreigners.

a) 03 b) 07 c) 20 d) 22 e) 48

3. What information is or are in the text?

(01) The number of people who were in the plane.
(02) The name of the airline to which the plane belongs.
(04) The geographical area where Ko Samui is located.
(08) The weather conditions during the airplane crash.
(16) The names of the people who were killed.
(32) The destination of the Bangkok Airways jet.
(64) The name of the person who was saved after the accident.

a) 12 b) 20 c) 30 d) 47 e) 96

4. "Did you read about the airplane crash in the paper?"

Choose the alternative(s) that can answer the question above.
(01) The student presented an oral report about airplane accidents.
(02) No. I didn't have the time to buy the paper.
(04) A Brazilian airline has two flights a week to San Francisco.
(08) Yes. The accident was terrible. I think everybody died.
(16) Yes, it was awful.
(32) I don't either.

a) 14 b) 26 c) 30 d) 42 e) 48

As Provas de Inglês do PAS UnB da 1ª ETAPA de 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014 e 2013.


   It is difficult to talk about people, power, and politics without discussing citizenship and democracy. These are highly debated concepts. But some reflection on what they mean is vital for planning and providing effective public support. These concepts help us define what kind of political system we are striving for, and the roles, rights, and responsibilities of all the participants.
       The many changes occurring around the globe are stretching and reshaping forms of social  organization and decision-making processes. To meet the challenges of the times, advocates and organizers may find it helpful to revisit the meaning of democracy and citizenship in their work. Throughout the world, many countries have undergone exciting reforms that have opened up political processes to people. In countries such as
the Philippines and South Africa, authoritarian governments have been brought down. In others, governments have taken significant measures to include women and other marginalized groups in public life.
             Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text, it can be concluded that

1 a lot of changes are now taking place all over the world.
2 women used to be excluded from public life in some countries.
3 the Philippines and South Africa still remain under the rule of authoritarian governments.
4 the concept of democracy and citizenship is quite the same the world over.
5 people are now allowed to take part in political processes in most countries.

1        If you are to think about your future you can follow this advice. Find a place where you can think without being disturbed. At the end of it all, you are 4 planning for a successful future for yourself.
Thinking about a successful future is a necessity
and should be done without any distractions or
7 interruptions. Being in a quiet place will also help you think on your own as no other people will have little to zero influence on decisions you feel (10) comfortable with. It is your life that you’re thinking about, so staying focused in this moment of thinking will be of benefit later when you need to stay focused 13 on the actual acts to make you successful.
      To spend time on your own shouldn’t be
discouraged. Before taking action for a better future 16 for yourself, you need some clarity on what it is you exactly want. Ask yourself questions pertaining to what it is that you want, and not what others want for you.
Internet: <> (adapted).

    Considering the ideas of the text above and the vocabulary used in it, judge the items from 6 through 9.

6 In t he t ext, t he word “later” ( ℓ.11) means immediately afterwards.
7 According to the text you must take into account the opinion of some friends while thinking over about your future.
8 It can be inferred from the text that you need a quiet place if you want to think about you.
9 It can be concluded from the text that if you are to consider the way your future should be, you require a suitable place to do it.

Internet: <>.

10 Based on the picture (at side)  above, it can be deduced that

A   the student hasn’t been studying hard.

B   coffee helps students pass exams.

C   the student is eager to study.

D   the student won’t give up studying.

Subprograma 2018 – Primeira Etapa
Data de aplicação: 9/12/2018

1C 2C 3E 4E 5E 6E 7E 8E 9C 10)A

CESPE | CEBRASPE – PAS 1.ª ETAPACad Príncipe 2016

  The action of Antigone follows on from the Theban civil war, in which the two brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, died fighting each other for the throne of Thebes after Eteocles had refused to give up the crown to his brother as their father Oedipus had prescribed. Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, has declared that Eteocles is to be honoured and Polynices is to be disgraced by leaving his body unburied on the battlefield (a harsh and shameful punishment at the time). As the play begins, Antigone vows to bury her brother Polynices’ body in defiance of Creon’s edict, although her sister Ismene refuses to help her, fearing the death penalty.
Creon, with the support of the Chorus of elders, repeats his edict regarding the disposal of Polynices’ body, but a fearful sentry enters to report that Antigone has in fact buried her brother’s body.
Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, judge the following items.

1_ Antigone wished Polynices to be treated as Eteocles was.
2_ Antigone succeeded in burying her brother.
3_ Eteocles and Polynices became enemies because they both wanted to be Thebes’s king.
4_ Oedipus wanted the throne to be taken by Eteocles.
5_ The text reveals a conflict between a personal wish and a governmental decision.

    Blindness is Saramago’s most powerful novel. It is a grim story of the barbarity, degeneracy, and overwhelming despair that overtakes a society in which every person but one goes blind, and all are trapped in some extreme political malevolence and transformed into brutish beasts floundering in the horror of that awful darkness of total blindness that visits all humanity held in some totalitarian vice. None of the characters in Blindness is given a name. There is the doctor and the doctor’s wife, the girl with the dark glasses, the old man with the black eye patch, etc., written just like that, without even the dignity of initial capitals. Saramago pushes his characters to the limits of endurance to suggest that there is no bodily degradation that a person will not submit to in order to survive.
Internet: <> (adapted).

      Based on the text, judge the following items.

6_ Only some characters in Blindness behave as inhuman, as fierce persons.
7_ No other Saramago’s novel is as powerful as Blindness.
Blindness is a story where every person becomes unable to see.

 9 Saramago shows in the novel that human survival is above any kind of physical degradation.

10  _ Considering the charge (on the left) above, it can be deduced that

A      the voter trusts the politician whatever he promises him.
B      the voter has improved his way of living since the first time he voted for this politician.
C     the politician surely knows what to say to the voter.
D     the voter claims for details to make up his mind whether to vote for the politician.


1E 2C 3C 4E 5C 6E 7C 8E 9C 10)D

THE ACES = Os gabaritos são os fornecidos pelo CESPE/PAS/ UnB.

Subprograma 2014 – Primeira Etapa Caderno: ATHOS BULCÃO – P 3

         Look at your study from a different perspective. The study may be in an area you really dislike or you just do not care about. Try to think outside the actual pages before you and put the topic into a wider perspective. Think of the sorts of careers people have using this study topic; think of how everyday problems are solved using the techniques that the study is requiring of you. This can help to enliven otherwise dull matter and can impress a teacher if you show how this knowledge applies elsewhere in some way. It demonstrates application to the topic in spite of your reservations. In addition, it helps you to get rid of the irritation it can cause.           Internet: <> (adapted).

          Based on the text, it is correct to say that

1.     a teacher can be pleased if the student shows him the use of the knowledge he teaches.

2.     you must try hard and learn the contents you have to study no matter whether you like or dislike them.

3.     you can find a certain subject dull but you could think it may be useful for some careers.

4.     the problems you find can be solved by using the techniques presented in the text, whatever they are.

5.     you can get rid of a tedious matter if you just follow the advice given in the text.

People have always done this. Someone who lives only in the moment is not quite human. During the past few hundred years, however, future thinking has expanded hugely in scope and substance. Living in the present now means living with a future-consciousness richer and more informed than humans have ever been able to benefit from in the past. We have a battery of new ways of monitoring our planet, even as we are changing it, and far better information about the lives of everyone living here. Then we need to believe that the daily, personal decisions we make are linked, in a million small ways, to those larger prospects — for they surely are. Global futures are built from personal choices in the present — yours and mine.
 Internet: <> (adapted).

According to the text, it can be correctly deduced that

6.      living today is better than it used to be.
7.      man’s present actions are destroying our planet.
8.      those who don’t plan their lives have an empty life.
9.      individual decisions can bring about changes to Earth.

 10 The charge suggests that

     A.      the students are reading the same subject matter.
      B.       one student is studying mathematics.
       C.       some students are studying philosophy.
       D.      most students are writing while others are reading.

A imagem salva no Blog não permite visualizar que os dois alunos estão lendo um livro de Philosophy, mas  na prova original do CESPE é possível, desde que o aluno seja bom observador e ótimo em detalhes!!!
THE ACE – O Gabarito:   1C 2E 3C 4E 5E 6C 7E 8E 9C 10C

CESPE UnB – PAS 1ª ETAPA – Caderno Jornal 2013 

      Today Brazil has the largest population of Black origin outside of Africa. As with all great migrations, the Africans that arrived in Brazil not only brought over their strength and beauty but also their music and cultural traditions. Their cultural traditions would inevitably blend with the Portuguese and Amerindian customs to produce a unique cultural manifestation of its own. Over the past fifty years, many films such as Orfeu Negro, City of God and Favela Rising have increased the visibility of Afro-Brazilians in film. To this day a powerful outlet for cultural expression continues to be music. Brazil's hip-hop and baile funk scenes are raw and improvisational art forms that are still coming into being. The music is being produced and supported, to a large degree, by Afro-Brazilians living in the neighborhoods.
 Internet: <> (adapted).
  Based on the text, it is correct to conclude that

1.       only rarely do migrants take any of their cultural heritage along to their new countries.
2.       the quantity of Brazilian films depicting Afro-Brazilians is still small.

3.       Brazil’s hip-hop and baile funk are uninhibited and spontaneous artistic manifestations.
4.    no other country in the world, except in the African continent, has a Black population as large as that of Brazil.

5 .  From the picture at side, it is correct to deduce that

   A.      the soldier shows up to bring the fight to an end as that was formerly forbidden in Brazil.
    B.       the woman is related to one of the men who are taking part in the fight.
     C.       the men are fighting over the woman’s affection.
D.      capoeira is known to be a violent duel.

        There are hundreds of career options out there. How do make a career choice when you don't really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It's not. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end. Before you can make a career choice, you have to learn about yourself. Your values, interests and skills, in combination with certain personality traits, will make some careers especially suitable for you and some particularly inappropriate. You can use self assessment tools, often called career tests, to gather this information and, subsequently, to generate a list of occupations that are deemed appropriate. Some people choose to have career counselors or other career development professionals administer these tests but many opt to use free career tests that are available on the Web.
Internet: <> (adapted).

       According to the text, judge the items below.

6.       A career profile depends exclusively on individual characteristics.
7.       There are at least three different ways to help you choose a career.
8.       There are a few career choices.
9.       Finding a suitable career path requires hard work, but it is a worthwhile task.

“This promotion means you’ll be getting the blame *directly from me.”

* blame – to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening.
Internet: <>.

10 Considering the cartoon and the text above, it is correct to say that

A.      the clerk is not paying attention to his boss’s words.
B.       the clerk is getting his promotion because he works hard.
C.       the boss wants to check his clerk’s performance directly.
D.      the boss seems to be a very easy-going person.
               The ace = O gabarito
1E    2E   3C    4C   5A    6E   7C   8E   9C   10C

CESPE | CEBRASPE – PAS 1.ª ETAPA - 2015.  

1 Muniz questions the nature and traditions of visual representation by ingeniously using unlikely materials to    “draw” the subjects of his conventional gelatine-silver prints.
4 He begins by making a Polaroid photograph. Using the
Polaroid as a reference, he draws his subject in chocolate
syrup, dirt, or sugar, and photographs the result. His “Sugar
7 Children” series consists of photographs of drawings he made in sugar of children whose parents and grandparents have worked on the sugar plantation on the island of Saint Kitts.
Internet:<> (adapted).

According to the text above, judge the items below.

1 Muniz is a well-known sculptor.
2 Muniz makes use of unusual materials to create his art.
3 Muniz creates a relation between the materials he uses and some historic event.
4 In the text, “ingeniously” (R.2) is synonymous with skilfully.
5 Muniz can be considered a conventional artist.

     A question arises: whether it is better to be loved than
feared or feared than loved. It may be answered that one should
wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one
person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two,
either must be dispensed with.
      It may also generally be said that men are thankless, false,
and ambitious, they will offer you their blood, sacrifice their
property, and they will entirely be devoted to you while danger is
distant, but in the hour of need they turn against you.
Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following items.

6 In case a choice is to be made between to be feared or loved,
to be feared should come first because it is less dangerous.
7 Men are not trustworthy.
8 It is better to be loved than to be feared.
9 Finding someone who can be both feared and loved is unlikely.

Internet: <> (adapted).
10 Look carefully at M. Escher’s work above. Based on the mathematical solid shape classification, identify the option where the three solids mentioned are found in the picture.

A tetrahedron, pyramid, octahedron

B dodecahedron, cube, octahedron

C icosahedron, dodecahedron, cylinder

D trapezium, tetrahedron, cone

Subprograma 2015 – Primeira Etapa Caderno: Vik – pg 3 –

THE  ACE:  1E 2C 3C 4C 5E 6C 7E 8E 9C 10B 

FILMES E VÍDEOS DO PAS UnB 2024 - PLAYLIST das 3 Etapas com mais de 120 filmes e vídeos

Playlist dos filmes e vídeos do PAS/UnB, ENEM E VESTIBULARES . Se você tiver um tempinho para relax, não deixe de dar uma fugidinha no meu o...