domingo, 23 de junho de 2024

Prova de Inglês do PAS UnB da 1a Etapa de 2008 e 2009, com Gabaritos.

PAS Subprograma 2008 – Primeira Etapa - Prova de Inglês

(Leia o dialogo entre dois jovens - the picture shows two boys talking - não consegui postar, fica tudo preto)

In the city, there (Boy of the city)
are lots of things
to do.
We have lots of
places to go to
and activities
to choose from.

In the country, (Boy of the country)
we can find
peace. Nobody
disturbs us and
we do not suffer
from the evils of
big cities.
Everybody is
happy here
(adapted from Internet: bancoimagenes

Based on the picture and dialog above, judge the following items.

1 The conversation reflects contrast between the rural and the urban worlds.

2 The rural and the urban worlds are different, but they are mutually dependent and complement each other.
3 As shown in the text, with the evolution of technology, rural areas are expanding and urban space is shrinking.

The GPS in agriculture (photo of a GPS - também não consegui postar a foto)

       Aided by a Global Positioning System (GPS) farmers can gather the necessary data to improve the use of land and of water. Farmers can also get other benefits such as making better use of fertilizers and other soil recovery treatments, and estimating costs for treating weeds and parasites while protecting, at the same time, the natural resources for future use.
The precision of the GPS enables farmers to map their land with accurate measurements, to find roads and know the distance between points of interest, monitor the irrigation systems and planted areas which may be affected by diseases, enabling them to take prompt action and therefore avoid their spread, and it can lead them to the exact places in their fields, either to take soil samples or monitor the plantation.
Adapted from Internet: agronotas.wordpress.

Based on the text above, it is correct to say that the GPS

4 predicts diseases on planted areas.

5 helps farmers to control their production expenses.
6 can help keep the balance of natural resources as well as use them wisely.
Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, p. 570 and 1.487.

Agricultural progress (os números se referem aos números das linhas, na prova original)
1 Agriculture has developed over a long period of
time, with positive effects on its production. Iron tools to
work the land replaced those made of wood. This made
4 the soil better prepared for planting because the iron tool
could go deeper into the ground to turn over the soil.
Draft animals, like horses, pulled farming tools and
7 carried heavy loads with a harness on them made of
straps, bands and other parts, which relieved the animals
from the weight of the wooden yoke on their heads and
10 eliminated the risk of suffocation. This made it possible
to carry or pull heavier loads. Grain was the basis of the
farm workers’ diet. They used to grind it in stone querns,
13 or hand mills. Next came the waterwheel and the
windmill. People could now grind large amounts of grain
with very little human effort, turning grain into flour.
16 Farmers learned that every three years the land
must be allowed to have a rest period of one year.
However, in certain regions, instead of allowing the land
19 to have a rest period, farmers took advantage of such
period to plant forage for cows and horses. This method
helped to conserve and enrich the soil, giving farmers
22 more possibilities of having more animals and natural
Adapted from Internet: kathrynhinds

According to the text above, judge the items that follow.

7 The use of farming tools made of iron has no effect in the agricultural production.
8 In order to have good crops, observing the land’s rest period, farmers cannot plant in it for more than three years every ten years.
9 Even the land used for planting forage needs a rest period in order to enrich the soil.
10 The text presents at least two different techniques that can be used to turn grain into flour.

THE ACE (gabarito oficial): 1C 2C 3E 4E 5C 6C 7E 8E 9E 10C

Subprograma 2009 – Primeira Etapa - Prova de Inglês

This text refers to items from 1 through 8.

(Os números à esquerda se referem aos números das linhas na prova original do PAS UnB)
1 Britain or Great Britain is a geographical area consisting of England, Scotland and Wales. The name Britain or Great Britain is often also incorrectly used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. London, the capital of England, is also the capital of the UK. 
4 To refer to the nationality of the people of Britain or the United Kingdom, you use the adjective British. English describes people from England and should not be used to describe people from Ireland, Scotland and Wales, who are Irish, Scottish and Welsh, respectively. 
7 British people place considerable value on punctuality. If you agree to meet friends at three o’clock, you can bet that they’ll be there just after three. Since the British are so time conscious, the pace of life may seem very rushed. In Britain, people make great effort to arrive on time. It is often considered impolite to arrive even a few 
10 minutes late. If you are unable to keep an appointment, it is expected that you call the person you are meeting. Some general tips follow.
You should arrive:
at the exact time specified – for dinner, lunch, or appointments with professors, doctors, and other professionals;

any time during the hours specified for teas, receptions, and cocktail parties;
a few minutes early – for public meetings, plays, concerts, movies, sporting events, classes, church services, and 
16 weddings.
If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner at half past seven, they will expect you to be there on the dot. An invitation might state “7:30 for 8”, in which case you should arrive no later than 7:50. However, if an 
19 invitation says “sharp”, you must arrive in plenty of time.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be concluded that

1 London is the capital of Great Britain.

2 British people can also be correctly called English.

3 it’s all right to break an appointment as long as you ring the person you were meeting beforehand.

4 it’s not impolite to arrive at 8:30pm at a cocktail party scheduled from 7pm to 9:30pm.

5 according to British social customs students can arrive up to 5 minutes late to class.

6 The reason for British life to seem too hurried could be the fact that they are always concerned about time.

7 The British demand absolute punctuality for all the social, professional and personal meetings they arrange.

In the text,

8 “may” (Linha.8) indicates possibility.

9 “on the dot” (L.17-18) means exactly on time, or at the time specified.

10 an invitation which states “7:30 for 8” (L.18) means one must arrive at 7:30 at the event scheduled to begin at 8.

THE ACE (gabarito oficial): 1E 2E 3C 4C 5E 6C 7E 8C 9C 10E

Prova de Inglês do PAS UnB.da 1ª Etapa de 2011. Cad. Moreia com gabarito.

Leia o texto a seguir e julgue os itens:
       There are over 6,400 species of amphibians found worldwide, except in Antarctica and Greenland. Amphibians are vertebrates and include animals such as frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and worm-like caecilians. They can be found on land or in fresh water for they live in a variety of habitats from deserts to rain forests, permanent ponds or high mountain meadows. Most amphibians have four limbs and are cold-blooded, that is, they use the environment to regulate their body temperature. These creatures spend part of their life in water, and the other part on land.

Internet:  (adapted).

         Based on the text above, judge the items below.

1) Amphibians have four limbs.
2)  Amphibians depend on local ambient conditions to keep their bodies        safe at the right temperature.
         3)   Amphibians are able to live in water as well as on land.
       4) There are at least six thousand species of amphibians found all over the world.   
        5)      Six species of amphibians are the ones known the world over.

     The Age of Discovery, also known as the Age of  Exploration, was a period in history starting in the early 15th century and continuing into the early 17th century. The Portuguese began systematically exploring the Atlantic coast, eventually reaching the Indian Ocean. In 1492, racing to find a trade route to Asia, the Spanish monarchs funded Christopher Columbus’s plan to sail west to reach the Indies by crossing the Atlantic. He landed on an uncharted continent, then seen by Europeans as a new world and later called America. To prevent conflict between Portugal and Spain, a treaty was signed dividing the world into two vast territories. In 1498, an expedition led by Vasco da Gama finally achieved the Portuguese dream of reaching India, as he sailed around Africa, opening up direct trade with Asia.
              Internet:: (adapted).

                According to the text, it can be concluded that

6)   Portugal and Spain signed an agreement dividing the newly-discovered world into two regions to be exploited exclusively by them.
7) Tthe Age of Discovery took place in the late 15th and early 17th centuries.
8) Christopher Columbus came across the North American continent on his way to India.
 9)  Vasco da Gama, by the end of 15th century, sailed westward in an attempt to reach India.

           Escolha a melhor alternativa. 

10)   Based on the cartoon, it can be inferred that

    A)    the two men love pollution.
    B)   man is to blame for sea pollution.
    C)   the raft is a long way from dry land.
    D)   it was noon when the two men found visual evidence of dry land.

Figura da Net no site:   Internet: (adapted).

 Prova original e completa pode ser vista, copiada, estudada e trabalhada a partir do site:

GABARITO OFICIAL - 1E  2X   3C  4E  5E  6C  7E  8X  9E  10B


PROVA DE INGLÊS do PAS. 1ª ETAPA de 2012. Caderno Futebol.

Prova de Inglês do PAS da 1ª Etapa de 2012. Cad Futebol.

Women at the Olympic Games

    The road to equality for women at the Olympic Games has been long and difficult, and there is still a long way to go. Participation in the Ancient Olympic Games was limited to male athletes only. The only way women could participate was as owners of horses. There are records of several winning women horse owners. As the owner of the horse teams, the women were considered winners, but very probably they weren’t even present at the events.
    Even in the early years of the modern Olympics, women were not well represented. They participated for the first time at the 1900 Games with the inclusion of women's events in tennis and golf. Women's athletics and gymnastics started only at the 1928 Olympics. Over time more women's events were added. In 2012, women's boxing was introduced. Now, all sports are permitted for women!

        Equality in the opportunity to compete is one thing, but in many countries women still do not have equal rights to participate in sports and the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games. On July 12th, just two weeks before the beginning of the 2012 Olympic Games, Saudi Arabia announced that the country would send two women to compete judo and athletics for the first time in history. But Qatar and Brunei still prohibit women participation in the Games.
 Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the article above, judge the following items.

    1 Nowadays, all countries send women athletes to the Olympic Games.
   2  Only men could participate in the Ancient Olympic Games.
   3  Women´s role in the Ancient Olympics was dependent on their ownership of horses.
   4  In the modern Olympic Games, one of the first sports which permitted women athletes was golf.

2016 Olympics – Rio de Janeiro

The city of Rio de Janeiro will organize the 31st Olympic
Games of the Modern Era. The choice was announced after three
rounds of voting by members of the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) on October 2nd, 2009 at the 121st IOC Meeting,
in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Seven cities were initially proposed by their National
Olympic Committees to host the 2016 Games: Chicago (USA),
Prague (CZE), Tokyo (JPN), Rio de Janeiro (BRA), Baku (AZE),
Doha (QAT) and Madrid (ESP). On June 4th 2008, the IOC
Executive Board selected four cities to enter the Candidate City
phase of the process. The cities were the following:
– Chicago (USA)
– Tokyo (JPN)
– Rio de Janeiro (BRA)

– Madrid (ESP)
Internet: <>.   
          During the vote on October 2nd, 2009, Rio de Janeiro triumphed by taking 66 votes compared to Madrid’s 32. This gave Rio the majority that it needed to be elected as the host city for the 2016 Games. Rio won a difficult competition because the other three candidates were very strong cities.
Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

5 The potential host cities were reduced to almost half of their
original number by the Executive Board of the International
Olympic Committee.

6 The only European candidate city received less than half the
votes that Rio obtained.

7 The other three candidate cities were poorly prepared to host
the Games.

8 It was the third attempt to bring the Olympic Games to
beautiful Rio de Janeiro.

9 The members of the IOC had to vote three times before Rio
was eventually selected.
 Internet: <>.

10 The cartoon is considered funny because

       A.        there are only two people playing.
         B.        the players are wearing no shoes.
         C.         the ball is a piece of rock.
         D.        there is no net in the goal.

CESPE/UnB – PAS 1.ª ETAPA  Subprograma 2012 – Primeira Etapa Caderno: Futebol – pg 3 –

The ACE = O Gabarito (From CESPE/UnB)  1E  2E  3C   4C   5C  6C  7E   8E   9C   10C

Prova de Inglês do PAS UnB da 1ª Etapa de 2010, com gabarito oficial.

This text refers to items from 1 to 7. (Os números no início das linhas estão nas provas originais)

Adolescence and the pursuit of popularity

1 Early  adolescence (around ages 9 - 13) marks the
beginning of an age of more dislike.
First, there is more dislike of self as “child”, second,
4 there is more dislike for parents and from parents, and third,
there is more dislike of family.
The onset of adolescence brings a degree of
7 alienation from self, parents, and family. As one young man
put it; “Home is where you have to live when you’re not
hanging out with your friends.” It’s not that young persons
10 and parents love each other any less, only that they
frequently dislike each other more.
So where can they recover lost liking? For most
13 young people, the answer is in the company of friends who
one feels like, who one likes, and who give liking in return.
But finding friends, and keeping friends, and staying friends
16 is an enormous challenge because everyone is changing just
like you. Everyone is feeling more alienated from family just
like you, and filled with self-doubt just like you.
19 This is why striving for social connection and place
among peers becomes so desperately important, and why
more social cruelty (teasing, exclusion, bullying, rumoring,
22 ganging up) is the outgrowth of this competition, particularly
during the late elementary and middle school years.
At this hard time, the propaganda of popularity can
25 be pretty persuasive: “become popular and all your worries
and problems about social belonging with peers will be
solved and you will feel secure.” Popularity means you have
28 a well-established social place among peers who want to be
with you, with whom you have social standing, with whom
you can hang out, and who can provide the accepting
31 companionship you need.
So at school, group affiliation is often signified by a certain
gathering space, a physical place, like a hallway or courtyard
34 at breaks or a table at lunch. If you have a place to hang out
that means you have a gang of friends.
You don’t want to be unpopular because you fear
37 your peers may ignore or avoid you because they fear being
known by the company they keep. However, some of the
common costs that sometimes come with being very popular
40are:                                                                                                                                    — Popularity brings pressure — to belong you have
to conform, being like, behaving like, and believing like
43 other members of your group.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       44 — Popularity is precarious — people can vote you
in and they can vote you out, and “elections” can be held at
a moment’s notice when you accidentally offend or someone
47 “better” comes along.
— Popularity is partly unpopular — while some
people admire you, others envy you, can get jealous, and
50 want to bring you down.
— Popularity can be limiting - the more you invest
in popularity at school, the less you are likely to invest in
53 creating a social life outside school.
Most important, popularity and friendship are not
the same. Popularity is political; friendship is personal.
56 Popularity is about rank; friendship is about relationship.
Popularity is more casual; friendship is more caring.
So what is better than trying to be really popular?
59 Consider just being content with having a few close friends
you can trust, acquaintances that can be fun to be with, and
having the capacity to enjoy the pleasure of your own
62 company when you are alone.
Consider even taking time with family — that
lifelong group that will still be with you long after most of
65 these peers, who seem so important now, will have grown up
and gone their separate ways.
Carl Pickhardt, Internet: <> (adapted).

Using the text above as reference, answer the following items.

1 It can be inferred from the text that being part of a group is
the key to feeling secure.

2 According to the text, insecurity and fear may lead
adolescents to exhibit antisocial and cruel behavior.

3 The word “onset” (L.6) means beginning.

4 The word “This” (L.19) refers to more alienated.

5 The word “pretty” (L.25) is the antonym of ugly.

6 It can be inferred from the text that belonging to a group is
not synonymous with being happy.

7 According to the text, belonging to a group makes you
invulnerable to all other fears.

Subprograma 2010 – Primeira Etapa Caderno Pampulha – 3 –

The Use of Abbreviations in Text Messages

1 I want to do this! What’s This?              
The trend of thumb-typing text messages onto a tiny cell phone screen has given rise to a whole new system of abbreviations and altered grammar. Parents, teachers, and adults in general, do not approve it. Teachers complain
4 that students are using abbreviations in schoolwork, too. However, reality is there and many adults have come across these abbreviations without having a clue as to their meaning. To many people, the SMS-speak is intuitively simple. For others, though, learning and using the system can take some time. The following steps will help you to use and
7 understand text message abbreviations.
Step 1: Substitute single letters for words. The simplest abbreviations are the very obvious substitutions of
letters for words that have the same sound as the letter’s name. You can substitute “b” for the word “be”, “c” for
10 “see”, “n” for “in” and “y” for “why.” There are many other possible substitutions, so use your imagination to start
abbreviating SMS messages.
Step 2: Use numbers instead of words or letters. Text message senders found that numbers such as 8, 4 and
13 2 are excellent abbreviations for words and syllables. You can use the number 4 instead of “for” and the number 2
in place of “to” or “too.” The number 8 can stand in for “ate” or as parts of words, as in “18” to mean “late.”
Step 3: Try some digital speak. A few basic abbreviations are used universally for electronic
16 communications. “Lol” is a common abbreviation that stands for “laughing out loud.” “Brb,” or “be right back,” is
another frequently used abbreviation. Check out some other general abbreviations that are used by the speakers of
digital and Internet languages.
19 Step 4: Look up or translate what you don’t know. Fortunately, there are a number of online resources to
help you fill in the blanks of what you don’t know. The SMS glossary at Environmental Studies is a good place to
look up text message terms.
Internet: </> (adapted).

Judge items 8 and 9 and follow directions for item 10 (type C).

8 The main idea of the text is that people should resist the temptation of using abbreviations in text messages.

9 Based on texts 1 and 2, it can be said that one of the reasons adolescents use abbreviations may be not to be considered unpopular.

10 The abbreviations which better express the phrase “I owe you one” in a text message, based on steps 1 and 2 in the text are:

A I O Y O.
B AY OH Y 1.
C I O U 1.

Subprograma 2010 – Primeira Etapa Caderno Pampulha – 4 –

Gabarito oficial - 1E 2C 3C 4E 5E 6C 7E 8E 9C 10C

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