terça-feira, 11 de junho de 2024

Way to Go - BOOK ONE - Simple Past Tense; Object X Subject PronounsModais and Short Answers. General Revision for 1st Series.


     O simple past tense descreve uma ação ocorrida no passado. 
  1.  À maioria dos verbos acrescentamos “ED”:  Love - loved;   check - checked;   die- died; …
 2.  Verbos em “Y” após CONSOANTES – y + ied -- study - studied;  try - tried;
 3.  Vebos em CVC – dobram a última consoante: stop - stopped;  pop - popped

Complete, conjugando os verbos numerados abaixo, no SIMPLE PAST TENSE:

              Who Says “You Can’t Take It with You”?

     My grandfather (1) _________________  to spend money.  He (2) ____________ very economic.  Every week he (3) _____________ at least 25 percent of his paycheck under his mattress. He (4) _____________________  in banks. The 2nd day before his death, he (5) ______________ his wife promise to put the money in his coffin with him. He (6) __________________ to buy his way into the  heaven.  My grandmother (7) ____________________ to do as he (8) ________________. The next morning she (9) ______________ about $37,OOO to the bank.  Then (10) _______________ it into her account (financial count).  After that, she (11) ____________  a check for $37,OOO.  She put the check in my grandfather’s coffin.   My grandmother is very smart.     (Adapted from “Nitty Grity Grammar”).

(1)to like (not);  (2) to be–was/were-been;  (3) to deposit;  (4) to believe (not) = não acreditar;   (5) to make–made–made=fazer;      (6)  to want = querer;  (7) to promise = prometer   (8) to ask = solicit  (9) to carry = carregar;  (10) to put = por, (11)to  write- wrote–written = inscribe 

THE ACE = O GABARITO: 1 didn't like,    2 - was      3 - deposited      4 - didn't believe    5 - made    6 - wanted;     7 - promised;    8 - asked;     9 - carried;       10 - put;     11- wrote  

Complete the sentences.  Conjugue os verbos no   simple past tense

  1. Kitty was sleeping  on the sofa when Liz ___________ (t arrive = chegar)  
  2. Susan’s boyfriend was waiting for her when she ___________ (to call = chamar)
  3. John was watching  TV when Liz _____ him the name of the movie.  (to ask = perguntar)
  4. hey was having dinner when Fido ____ some flowers in the garden. (eat-ate eaten = comer) 
THE ACE = 1 - ARRIVED;     2 - CALLED;    3 - ASKED;    4 - ATE.

            James Thurber’s “The Unicorn in the Garden” is an imaginative short story with a humorous, surprise ending.                    VOCABUL ARY

 about = a respeito;      answer = responder;   arrive = chegar;     ask = perguntar;   as soon as = assim que;   be = ser/estar;     believe = acreditar;    call = chamar; deny = negar;   deserve  = merecer;   ending = final; even though = assim mesmo;  ever after = para sempre; garden = jardim;   get = ganhar;   get rid = livrar – se de;  however = no entanto;  leave = sair;    look  out = olhar p/for a;       see = ver;  speak = falar;         succeed = conseguir; sunny = ensolarado; take away = prender;  tell = dizer;  think = pensar;   want = querer                                                                                                     
Complete o texto conjugando os verbos in the simple past tense. (Pages 89-91, 94, 103-6,112, 155-7, 162)
(1) look                       (2) see-saw-seen           (3) tell-told-told          (4) believe (not)     (5) speak-spoke-spoken      (6) answer              (7) leave-left-left         (8) call     (9 – 17) to be-was/were-been       (10) want    (11) arrive         (12 – 13) ask            (14)deny              (15) take-took-taken     (16) think-thought-thought       (18) succeed (not)         (19) get-got-gotten                   (20) deserve
 “The Unicorn in the Garden”
The husband (1) ________________ out his window one sunny morning, and  he (2) _______________ a unicorn in the garden. He (3) ______________ his wife about the unicorn, but she (4) ________________ him. Even though the husband (5) __________________politely, the wife (6) __________________ very rudely. As soon as the husband (7) ___________________, the wife (8) __________________ the police and a psychiatrist . She (9) _________________ very excited, because she(10)__________________ to get rid of her hus­band.   When the police and the psychiatrist (11) _______________________, they (12) ____________________some questions. They (13) ______________ the husband about the unicorn, however he (14) ________________ everything about this mythical animal.   They (15) __________________ the wife away because they (16) ___________________ she (17)  __________________  the crazy person.  
“The wife (18) _________________________ in her plan to get ride of her husband.    He’s polite, but she’s rude.  She (19) _____________________ what she (20) ____________________  , he lives happily ever after.”                        (Adapted from Nitty Gritty Grammar,  4th printing 2001, page 43. Cambridge University) 

THE ACE = O GABARITO  1 LOOKED     2 SAW;   3 TOLD;   4 DIDN'T BELIEVE;     5 SPOKE;   6 ANSWERED;   7 LEFT;    8 CALLED;  9 WAS;   10 WANTED;   11 ARRIVED;  12 ASKED;  13 ASKED;  14 DENIED;  15 TOOK;  16 THOUGHT;  17 WAS;   18 DIDN'T SUCCEED;  19 GOT;  20 DESERVED

Verbos Modais - Modal Verbs  - VAMOS REVER ?????????

Os verbos modais são verbos distintos dos outros, pois possuem características próprias, como:
1.        Não precisam verbos auxiliares;
2.        Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no infinitivo, só que sem o “to” (exceção OUGHT TO e USED TO);
3.        Não sofrem alteração nas terceiras pessoas do singular no presente. Logo, eles nunca recebem “s”, “es” ou “ies”.
São verbos modais: can (pode),could (poderia), may (pode, poderia), might (pode, Poderia), should (deveria), must (deve), ought to (precisa) eused to (costumava).
Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habilidade.
Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
I can speak English. 
(Eu posso falar inglês).
Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de poderia, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu podia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de idade).
Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por favor?).
May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos mais formais que o can.
It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
May I go to the bathroom? 
(Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no passado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoçar com a gente amanhã).
Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conselho.
You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médico).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fumar).
Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábito do passado.
I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costumava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. 
(Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade).

  What about we practice??!!  =  Que tal praticarmos??? TRAINING

   Complete as sentences com os modal verbs: can/could; may/might (Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms(Pages 71, 155 and notebook)

1.    _____ I use your umbrella? (Permissão –Posso usar seu guarda-chuva?)

2.    He ______ be in the library. (Possibilidade –Ele pode estar na biblioteca.)

3.    Sorry, I _____________ understand what you are saying. (Capacidade –Desculpe, não consigo entender o que você está dizendo.)

4.    The students ______________  speak Arabic like the Lebanese. ( Habilidade –Os alunos não conseguem falar árabe igual aos Libaneses.)

5.     She ____________ be very busy, because is washing the dishes. (Possibilidade –Ela pode estar muito ocupada porque está lavando os pratos.)

6.    _______ we go out class after work? (Permissão – Podemos sair da aula depois do trabalho?)

7.    ______  I leave now? (Permissão - Tom informal –Posso sair agora?)

8.    _______  I leave now? (Permissão – Tom formal – Eu poderia sair agora?)

9.    She________ arrive after dinner. (Possibilidade – Ela não pode chegar depois do jantar.)

10. It is late, you _________ go to home. (Conselho – É tarde, você devia ir para casa.)

11. She  ___________ visit  the beauty salon. (Conselho – Ela deveria visitar o salão de beleza.)

12. You ______ see a dentist. (Conselho – Você deveria ir a um dentista.)

13. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge. You ______  buy any.(Não deve)

14. It's a hospital. You  _____________  smoke.  (Não pode)

15. The teacher said we  ______    read this book for our own pleasure. (Podemos)  

16. I    ______  speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco.

17. People _____________  walk on grass. (não podem)

18.     __________ I ask a question? Yes, of course. (Permissão formal)

19.     _____  you speak Italian?    No, I  _____.  (Habilidade, capacidade)

THE ACE;  1 MAY;   2 MAY;   3 - CAN'T;   4 - CAN'T;    5 -  MAY  (ou CAN);  6 - MAY;   7 - CAN;   8 - COULD;    9 - MAY NOT;     10 - SHOULD;      11 - SHOULD;        12 - SHOULD;       13 - MAY NOT ou MUSTN'T (PROIBIDO);  14 - MAY NOT ou MUSTN'T (PROIBIDO)   15 - MAY ou CAN  16 - COULD;   17 - MUSTN'T (PROIBIDO) ou MAY NOT;   18 - MAY ou COULD;  19 - CAN ? CAN'T.   

Object and Subject pronouns

I - ME,   SHE - HER;    HE - HIM;   IT - IT;   WE - US;    YOU - YOU;  THEY - THEM.  
Pronouns (pronomes) são palavras que substituem nomes.
Subject é referente ao sujeito, ou seja, quem faz a ação.
Object é referente ao objeto, que não faz ação alguma (às vezes recebe a ação).
Se falamos de ação, vamos sempre procurar o verbo da frase para determinar qual pronome devemos usar.

Em princípio, antes do verbo usamos o SUBJECT e depois do verbo usamos o OBJECT. 
Mas cuidado nas INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE, pois o verbo (AUXILIAR) vem antes do sujeito!!!  

Was it understood?                 Do you understand?

1) (I/ Me) can help (she/ her) with the new computer.  Eu posso ajudá-la com o novo computador.

                1. Complete with OBJECT PRONOUNS:
a) Hey! There's a new e-mail. Read ______to me, please!
b) The little girl is very happy. Her mum gave ____  a lovely present this morning.
c) My father loves Greek monuments. He wants to go to Greece and visit all of_____.
d) The runners are very tired. We'll give   ______ some water.
e) That's a very difficult game. I don't know how to play ____ Can you show _____ ?
f) Patrick is still in class. The teacher asked_______to stay for ten minutes.

THE ACE = O Gabarito = a IT; b HER   c THEM    d THEM   e IT/ ME   f HIM 

2. Complete with an OBJECT PRONOUN:

a) Where's Sam? David is with  ____
b) Have you seen Alice? Yes, I saw  ___ in the park yesterday afternoon.
c) Can you ask Costin if he wants to come to the supermarket with ____ I don't want to go alone.
d) Would you like to play with ______? We need another player.
e) I think this activity is very difficult. I don't understand  _______ ! 
f) Robert and Theodore are speaking in class. Can you tell_____ to be quiet?
g) Our teacher is so nice! We'll give  _____  a birthday present.
h) I love Peter and he loves ____ . We're so happy together!
i) Lucas works in a bank. I see ____ every morning when he goes to work.
j) Pat and Tom live in Oxford. We never see ____ .
k) Anna studies in Rome. We telephone___ every week.

THE  ACE = O Gabarito   a) HIM   b) HER;    c) ME   d) US;  e) IT;  f) THEM  g) HIM ou HER     h) ME;    i) HIM     j) THEM;    k) HER

3. Answer the questions using a SUBJECT and an OBJECT pronoun:

a) Does Peter like Italian food? Yes,______  loves    ______ .
b) Do you listen to American pop songs? No, ______   don't like_____  
c) Are those flowers for you? No, ________  aren't for _______ .
d) Did I give you the keys? Yes, ________  gave _______       to me.
e) Does Anne love Peter? Yes,__________  loves   _________ .     

THE ACE = O Gabarito
a) HE/ IT         b) I / IT   ou WE/ IT      c) THEY / US  ou  ME     d) YOU / THEM    e) SHE / HIM.

Short answers

É composto por 3 words:  só com MAY NOT são 4.
1a – Yes ou No e a vírgula.
2a – Repete o pronome pessoal da pergunta;
3a –A que começou perguntando, termina respondendo

Would you like a cup of coffee ?
Yes, I would              No, I wouldn’t.
Yes, we would.        No, we wouldn’t

Could she swim when she was younger ?
   No, she couldn’t.                 Yes, she could.

May  I  open the  window ?     
 No, you  may not.                        Yes, you may.

1.  Can he help us ?
2.  Might it rain today?
3.  Did she go to a party yesterday?
4.  Was he at the internet?
5.  Were you at school?
6.  Does he understand it?
7.  Will we go to Goiânia City?
8.  Do you understand it?
9.  Do you like me?
10.      Don’t you go to the training?

1 Yes,  he  can.                     No, he can’t. 
2  Yes, it might.                     No, it mightn’t.
3  Yes, she did.                     No, she didn’t.
4  Yes, he was.                     No, he wasn’t.
5  Yes, we were.                  No, we weren’t
6  Yes, he does.                   No, he doesn’t.
7  Yes, we will.                     No, we won’t.
8  Yes, I do.                           No, I don’t.
Yes, we do.                           No, we don’t.
9 Yes, I do.                            No, I don’t.
    Yes, we do.                        No, we don’t.
10   No, I don’t.                       yes, I do.

 Marque a única opção correta – Pronouns: Subect & Object: pages 91, 92, 101, 155 e 157.

1. (UFAL) Romeo is telling Juliet that ___ loves her.
a) him               b) I                          c) he                             d) she                                      e) her

2.  (UFSE) This car is mine. I bought ____ last week.
a) us                  b) him                      c) them                               d) it                              e) you

3. They've made ____________ think they were lost in the jungle.
a) us                      b) they                     ) we                          d) she                                    e) he
4. The lady asked ______  if he had travelled a lot.
a) they                                 b) we                     c) he                   d) he                           e) him

5. ____  friends are generally very educated citizens.
a ) Mine                         b)  My                c ) Ours                        d) Theirs                   e) Hers

6. She told me that Alfredo was simply _____ old friend.

a) her                                   b) my                    c ) your                      d) hers                e) their

Way to Go, Book 1 - YOUNG PEOPLE - Plural of nouns. Regras e Exercícios.

Young people – Plurals

Many young people think their families do not understand their problems.
Young people generally make their decisions alone or with the help of a friend of the same age.
Very often this happens because there is no communication between parents and children.
Parents, sometimes, have no time to talk with their children and boys and girls move and live their parents.
There are, of course, different remedies for this situation. For example:

Parents must talk frankly to their children and try to understand their problems. 
(From: BERTOLIN, Rafael & SILVA, Antonio de Siqueira e; Apostila do Sistema de Ensino IBEP; Novo Ensino Médio; Vol. Único; Língua Inglesa; P 57; 2006)

       1.       Regra geral: Forma-se o plural dos substantivos, geralmente, acrescentando- se s ao singular: postcard – postcards (cartão postal);               place – places      (lugar/es)              car – cars

       2.       0s substantivos terminados em y precedido de vogal seguem a regra geral: acrescenta-se s ao singular.    boy – boys ;  toy – toys (brinquedo/s);      key – Keys (chave/s)

       3.       0s substantivos terminados em y precedido de consoante formam o plural mudando-se o y por i e acrescentando-se es.   city – cities (cidade/s);    lady – ladies;     secretary - secretaries

       4.       Aos substantivos terminados em: s;  sh; ch;  x;  z e o geralmente se acrescenta es
bus – buses;         glass – glasses (vidro/s);  ash – ashes (cinzeiro/s);      flash – flashes;
beach – beaches (praia/s);               church – churches (igreja/s);              watch – watches (relógio/s);         box – boxes (caixa/s);  fox – foxes (raposa/s);   topaz – topazes;           potato – potatoes (batata/s);            tomato – tomatoes;      negro – negroes; ...

Palavras estrangeiras com o final “o” seguem a regra geral “Word + S”:   photo - photos; piano – pianos; kilo/s; zoo/s; radio/s; kimono/s;

Words terminadas em CH, com som de “K”, seguem a regra geral “word+ S”:  patriarch – patriarchs;  monarch – monarchs; epoch – epochs; stomach – stomachs; 

5.         0s substantivos terminados em F ou FE no singular geralmente mudam o F por V e acrescentamos ES: leaf – leaves (folha/s); life – lives (vida/s);  knife – knives (faca/s):  wife – wives (esposa/s);   wolf – wolves (lobo/s);
Alguns nouns ended in F ou FE seguem a regra geral:
Roof – roofs (telhado/s);  cliff – cliffs (rochedo/s);  safe/s (cofre/s);  handkerchief/s (lenço/s);  sheriff/s (xerife/s); 
                Os nouns: beef (carne); hoof (casco); scarf (cachecol) e wharf (cais) podem fazer o plural com “s” ou “vês”.

         6.       0s substantivos com o final man mudam para men:
man – men (homem/ns);   woman – women (mulher/es);  policeman – policemen  (policial/iais);  fireman – firemen (bombeiro/s);  mailman – mailmen (carteiro/s);  postman – postmen (carteiro/s);  gentleman – genttemen (cavatheiro/s);

         7.       Esses substantivos mudam OO por EE no plural:
foot- feet (pé/s);  tooth – teeth (dente/s);  goose – geese (ganso/s)  …

          8.       Alguns  irregular substantives:
Child – children (criança/s);  ox – oxen (boi/s):   mouse – mice (rato/s); die – dice (dado/s); louse – lice (piolho/s)

          9.       Estes substantivos têm a mesma forma para o a singular e para o plural:
fish – fish (peixe/s);  sheep – sheep (ovelha/s);  fruit – fruit  (fruta/s); bread – Bread (pão/pães);

         10.   News: Geralmente só se emprega no singular:
Is there any news? (Há alguma novidade?);            What's the news? (Que há de novo?)
     11. people: A palavra people pode ter dois sentidos:
a) people = povo, nação
Nesse caso, tem uma forma para o singular e outra para o plural:
people: povo               peoples: povos                          
The Brazilian people is good. (O povo brasileiro é bom.)
There are many peoples in the world.  (Há muitas pessoas no mundo)
b) people = pessoas, gente
Nesse sentido, a palavra people fica invariável e exige o verbo no plural:
There are many people in the room.  (Há muitas pessoas na sala.)

  Quando mudamos uma frase, sentença ou oração para o plural, não podemos nos esquecer de
a) Os indefinidos "a e an" (um, uma) só existem no singular;
b)  O to be verb muda:  "is" - para - "are"; "WAS" muda para "WERE";
c) Os adjetivos não variam;
d) A 3ª Pessoa do singular, que no "SPT" tem "S, ES ou IES", perdem essa terminação, quando vão para o plural;

      Escreva no plural:
1.        A white tooth.            White teeth.
2.        A big foot.     __________________
3.        A little tooth    _________________
4.        A wild mouse _________________
5.        A white goose. _______________
6.        An old ox.      OLD  OXEN
7.        A green leaf. _________________
8.        A happy child. __________________
9.       A big bus.  ____________________
10.     A disorganized party. ______________

     Continue escrevendo no PLURAL

Ex: There was a goose in the lake.
    There were geese in the lakes.
1. There was an ox in the field.
2.  There was a mouse in the old house.
3. There was a man in the bus.
4.  There was a watch in the box.
5.  Take the key. __________________
6.     The new watch is in the Box. ______
7.     The lady plays the piano. __________
8.     The photo is in the glass. _____________
9.     The body is on the beach. __________
10   An old ox is at the field. __________
11    A child plays with the tooth. ______
12.  A goose runs away from the bitch.

the ACE = O gabarito
2. Big feet.      3. Little teeth.  4. Wild mice.
5. White geese.            7. Green leaves.
8. Happy children.     9. Big buses.   10. Disorganized parties.

2. There were mice in the old houses.
3. There were men in the busus.
5. There were watches in the boxes.
6. Take the keys.
7. The ladies play the pianos.
8. The photos are in the glasses.
9. The bodies are on the beaches.
10.Old oxenare at the fields.
11. Children play with the teeth.
12. Geese run away from the bitches.

FILMES E VÍDEOS DO PAS UnB 2024 - PLAYLIST das 3 Etapas com mais de 120 filmes e vídeos

Playlist dos filmes e vídeos do PAS/UnB, ENEM E VESTIBULARES . Se você tiver um tempinho para relax, não deixe de dar uma fugidinha no meu o...