sábado, 4 de maio de 2024

People and progress - Composition for intermediate students

C  O  M  P  O  S  I  T  I  O  N       People and  progress.

            I would like to begin this composition with an excellent parallel about this matter but while the progress walk in gigantic steps in all fields of sciences; most of the people are basically stationed in the backward of their ignorance. Nevertheless, we have to distingue the progress of an industrialized country and what is regressed in improvements to their community from another country without industrialization and their poor people.
            The people walk side by side with the progress only over the richest nations because they have money to support their satisfaction. Their evolution happens even without they suffer privation because it’s a natural thing that other communities will live with them.  The high technology helps their finances and increases the understanding and the research according to the opportunities and the enthusiasm.  That special group of people who belong to the first world are the wonder of the universe.          
By other side, we are slaved and explored because we don’t have the know-how for many things and our best researchers are obligated to move to new places also it’s inevitable to explain that we are one of the most corrupt people on the Earth surface.  Then this elucidate my  point of view.  To summarize:  Our people don’t enjoy and don’t increase the progress because we aren’t well governed.

MNEMO  SYSTEM  English              (  X  )        Reading IV                    Friday, September 22nd 2000.

Origem do nome de Cidades PARACATU - EM INGLÊS

            Paracatu City is discontinued (cut) by a river of the same name (Paracatu River). There is an immense Extraction English Company of gold in the city, but nobody may arrive near by the river nor fishers.  Some inhabitants divulge the story that the city’s name has origin in a dialog developed by two friends who want to fight themselves, and were crying to the other,  at each margin the river : come to here and the other answered come to here you.   This story was told me by fishermen colleague, at that river. We fish many times there!

           What’s the origin of your City’s name?  Do you know it? Then send me!!! It may be in Portuguese Language!!  


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