terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2024

Sightseeing in London - Unit 10 do Compact English Book

Sightseeing in London - Passeio em Londres

“We've been to Buckingham Palace for the Changing of the Guard,
We've walked as far as Trafalgar Square
To see the two art-galleries there;
We've looked at Scotland Yard.
And now you suggest that before it's dark
We should visit the Zoo in Regent's Park!
When tubes and buses are tightly packed
And I am feeling completely whacked!
Do you realise, Henry darling, that we've had no lunch or tea?
And these fashionable sandals are nearly killing me!
So, unless you find a café for a coffee and a snack,
Though we left home only yesterday, I'll catch the next train back!”
(Dilys A. M. Rembowska. Sound, Sense and Rhythm. Longman, 1967, p.9)

fashionable — chic, elegant;
tightly — compactly; nearly — almost
whacked — exhausted; unless — if not, except
to realise — to understand; though — although;
in spite of - the fact that

Check your reading
1. We can infer from the text that:

a)sightseeing in London is an exhausting experience.
b)it is possible to see London on a single day.
c)there is a boy anxious to see more of London, but his mother is tired.
d)there are three tourists involved in the story.
e)some suggestions can be easily accepted.

2. Circle the wrong alternative.
a) The author won't have time to visit the zoo.
b)The author is tired of visiting so many places.
c)The author is hungry.
d)The author feels uncomfortable with her sandals.
e)The author hasn't had lunch yet.

3. The characters in the story may have come from any of the countries below except from:

4. When a bus is tightly packed it is:

5. Tube and café in the text mean:

a)a long cylinder made of plastic, metal, rubber or glass — restaurant
b)television — a dark brown powder with a strong flavor and smell.
c)London's underground train system — coffee shop.
d)England's railroad — a drink or beverage.
e)England's railway — French restaurant.

(By Wilson Liberato; In: Compact English Book; Vol único; Ed FTD, P 140/6)

THE ACE = O GABARITO: Fornecido pelos autores no "Livro do Professor"
1a.  2a.  3b.  4e.  5c.  

Present Perfect
- affirmative form

Sujeito + have/has + participio passado do verbo principal
I, you, We, They have walked to Trafalgar Square.
He, She, It has walked to Trafalgar Square.

Obs.: A forma contracta de have é 've
We've (We have) been to Buckingham Palace.

A forma contracta de has é 's:
(He has) visited Regent's Park.

Negative  We have not (haven't) gone to the Zoo.
She has not (hasn't) seen the art-galleries.

Have they seen the palace?
Has he looked at the Scotland Yard?

Interrogative-negative  Has she not visited the zoo?
Hasn't she visited the zoo?
Have they not been to London before? Haven't they been to London before?

Uso do Present Perfect  :Descreve uma ação iniciada no passado e que continua no presente ou, pelo menos, cujos efeitos continuam sendo observados:
That decision has changed his life.
Aquela decisão mudou/tem mudado a vida dele.
(A decisão mudou e vai continuar a mudar a vida dele.)

Obs.: Muitas vezes confunde-se o Present Perfect com o Simple Past.
No entanto, cada um deles expressa uma idéia distinta. Veja:

Simple Past  She traveled to London last year.
Ela viajou para Londres no ano passado.
A ação começou e terminou no passado:
Ela viajou para Londres no ano passado e, desde então, não viajou mais.


Present Perfect
She has traveled to London.
Ela viaja/tem viajado para Londres.
Neste caso, a ação começou no passado e continua no presente: Ela viajou e continua a viajar para Londres ou ainda está lá.

Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Present Perfect
1. I ______(to see) this film two years ago.
2. She ________(to find) a new love now.
3. Shakespeare ______(not to write) The Phantom of The Opera.
4. We _______ (not to be) to London this year.
5. What ______ you ______ (to do) this week.

Grammar = Structures
 Advérbios usados:
always — sempre
the answers have always been the same.
As respostas têm sido sempre as mesmas.

never — nunca
We have never had Latin classes.
Nunca tivemos aulas de latim.

ever — já; alguma vez (geralmente usado em perguntas)
Have you ever studied Latin?
Você já estudou latim?

already — já (indica um fato consumado e sobre o qual se esta falando)
We have already heard this song.
Já ouvimos esta canção.
I have had lunch already. Eu já almocei.

OBS: Always, never e ever geralmente são posicionados entre o auxiliar (have/has) e o verbo principal.

yet (usado em orações interrogativas para indicar surpresa ou expectativa)
Have you eaten all your dessert yet?
Você já comeu toda a sua sobremesa?

yetainda (usado no final de orações negativas)
The train hasn't arrived yet.
O trem não chegou ainda.

just — muito recentemente (expressa uma ação que acabou de acontecer)
She's just lost her last chance.
Ela acaba/acabou de perder sua última chance.

• lately — ultimamente
I haven't gone to the theater lately.
Eu não tenho ido ao teatro ultimamente.

• recently — recentemente
He has changed his job recently.
Ele mudou de emprego recentemente.
Obs.: Lately, recently e yet geralmente são posicionados no final da oração.

Exercises = drills:  Reescreva usando the adverbs dos parênteses:

1. I have taken this bus. (never)
2. Have you read Hamlet? (ever)
3. They have shut the windows. (already)
4. The teacher hasn't taught it. (yet)
5. You have said the opposite. (just)

Prepositions and time expressions:
For — durante, por
I have worked as a nurse for ten years.
Eu tenho trabalhado/trabalho como enfermeira por dez anos.

since — desde
I have lived here since 1988.
Eu tenho morado/moro aqui desde 1988.

so far / up to now — até agora
Up to now / So far they haven't told me the truth.
Até agora eles não me contaram a verdade.

Obs: • Have got/has got
Para indicar posse, podemos usar as formas have got/has got em vez de have/has no Simple Present:
have got = have has got = has
He has got some problems.= He has some problems.
Ele tem alguns problemas.What disease has he got? = what disease does he have?
Que doença ele tem?

been (to) x gone (to)
Usa-se been (to) p lugar para indicar que alguém foi e já voltou de algum lugar
Where have you been? I have been to the park.
Onde você esteve? Estive no parque.
Have you ever been to Mexico? I have been there once.
Você já esteve no México? Eu estive lá uma vez.

Usa-se gone (to) para indicar que algo ou alguém foi embora para ficar temporária ou definitivamente:
My love has gone and I'm alone.
Meu amor partiu (foi embora) e eu estou sozinho.
All the tourists have gone back to their countries.
Todos os turistas voltaram para seus países.



1- I SAW                       2 - SHE HAS FOUND           3 - SHAKESPEARE  DIDN'T WRITE
           4 - WE  HAVEN'T BEEN             5 - WHAT HAVE YOU DONE...?

II - Rewrite using the adverbs...

1. I HAVE NEVER......                  2. HAVE YOU EVER.......                    3. THEY HAVE ALREADY....
  4. THE TEACHER HASN'T TAUGHT YET.                   5. YOU HAVE JUST ......

The Ruins of Troy. As Ruínas de Troia- Compact English Book - Unit 8

Unit 8 The ruins of Troy
Heinrich Schliemann (1822-1890), a German merchant w had become a millionaire by the age of 36, discovered the ruins Troy in 1873. Since his childhood the story of the City and its war had fascinated him, as told by the Greek poet, Homer, in the Iliad (‘Ilium’ was another name for Troy)
In the mid 1800s many scholars thought the Iliad was fiction, but
Schliemann believed exactly the contrary. As he was studying the text, he came to the conclusion that the site was in northwestern Turkey, in Hissarlik. After he had dug there for months he found the ruins not of one City, but of nine, each built on the ruins of the previous one, forming nine layers. When excavations had finished, he could gather treasures of gold, silver and jewelry
Schliemann had imagined that Homer’s Troy was layer IX (2200 BC), but archeologists discovered later that it was layer VII, a smal1 fortified city, destroyed by fire and violence in 1200 BC, just as the Iliad recounts.
Adapted from The Giant Book of Facts, Octopus Books Ltd 1989, p. 291. in: Compact English Books Edit FTD. 1998; Unit 8; Pg 102/3).
mid — middle scholar — expert, erudite
as — when to dig— to excavate
to gather — to collect just — exactly

Check Your Reading1. According to the text, Heinrich Schliemann:

a) firstly discovered the ruins and then became rich.
b) first became rich and then discovered the ruins.
c) became rich after he had discovered the ruins.
d) became a millionaire in 1873.
e) had a fascination for wars and Troy.

2. The Iliad is the name of a:
a) poet.
b) Greek.
c) war.
d) book
e) place

3. Read the statements below:

I. Troy was considered fiction until 1873.
II. Schliemann discovered the site of Troy reading the Iliad.
III. The nine cities discovered were side by side.

Now circle the correct alternative.
a) all statements are correct
b) no statement is correct
c) only statement I is correct
d) only statement III is correct
e) only statement I and II are correct

4. In the clause “As he was studying the text”, an approximate meaning for as is:
a) then.
b) how.
c) when.
d) them.
e) where.

5. Circle the alternative that has a wrong definition for the words given.
a) merchant — a person who buys and sells things
b) childhood — the time of life before adolescence
c) scholar — a school student
d) layer — stratum; a quantity of some material spread on a surface
e) archeologist — a person that studies the history and culture of ancient societies

THE  ACE = O GABARITO: 1 = b); 2 = d); 3 = e); 4 = c); e 5 = c).

Grammar in Focus
past continuous Forma Afirmativa - Sujeito + was/were + verbo + -ing
Pessoas do singular - usamos WAS
I, He, She, It was sleeping.
pessoas do plural - usamos WEREYou, We, They were singing old songs.

NegativeIt was not (wasn’t) raining hard.
We were not (weren’t) reading the Iliad.

it raining hard?

Were you studying history?

Was it not (Wasn’t it) raining hard?
Were they not (Weren’t they) living in Turkey?

Uso do Past Continuous

Descreve uma ação que estava ocorrendo em certo período no passado. Um advérbio pode ser usado para definir o tempo em que a ação estava acontecendo:
He was smoking too much last year Ele estava fumando demais no ano passado.
At midday we were having lunch. Ao meio-dia nós estávamos almoçando.

• Indica uma ação que se repetia freqüentemente no passado.
Nesses casos é comum o emprego dos frequency adverbs:
They were always chewing gums. Eles estavam sempre mascando chicletes.

• Descreve duas ações que estavam acontecendo simultaneamente no passado.
Geralmente usa-se a conjunção while (enquanto):
You were washing the dishes while Jane was drying her hair.
Você estava lavando a louça enquanto Jane estava secando o cabelo.

• Indica uma ação que estava em andamento no passado quando outra ação, expressa pelo Simple Past, aconteceu:
When (As) he was studying the text, he came to this conclusion.
Quando ele estava estudando o texto, ele chegou a esta conclusão.

Duas ações passadas podem ser expressas através do Simple Past quando a segunda ação é conseqüência da primeira ou quando as duas ações aconteceram imediatamente uma após a outra:He fell down and broke his leg. Ele caiu e quebrou a perna.

When I turned on the TV, I saw the scenes of the disaster.
Quando eu liguei a TV eu vi as cenas do desastre.

Drills = Exercises

a) Translate the sentences below into English.

1. Onde vocês estavam morando no ano passado?
2. o que você estava fazendo aqui ontem?
3. Ela estava sempre perguntando sobre ele.
4. Não estava chovendo quando eu cheguei em casa.
5. Enquanto nós estávamos trabalhando, eles estavam dormindo.

b) complete as sentenças abaixo usando o Past Continuous ou o simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses.
1. He …………………….. (to bleed=hemorrhage ) when he ……………..(to come) to hospital.

2. As the teachers ……………………… (to explain) the subjects, I …………….(to feel) more secure about them.

3. While they …………….(to clean) the windows, you …………..(to water) the garden.

4. It …………………… (to get) dark when it ……………… (to start) to rain.

5. When we ………. (to live) in Ohio, my father …………(to have) a small business there.

THE ACE 1. was bleeding / came;  2. explained / was feeling;  3.cleaned/ watered/ 4. was getting / started; 5. lived / had.

Present Continuous (to be + verb + ing)PALAVRAS – CHAVE: Now (= agora) At this moment (= neste momento)

AFIRMATIVEI am writing.
You are writing
He is writing
She is writing
It is writing.
We are wriring.
You are ...
They are ...
Am I ?
Are you ?
Is he ?
Is she ?
Is it writing?
Are we
Are you
Are they

I'm not writing
You aren’t writing
He isn't writing
She isn't writing
It isn't writing.
We aren't ...
You aren’t...
They aren't ...

Monarchies - Unit 1 - 1o Bimestre - 1a Série - Compact English Book.

There are still some monarchies all over the world. However, not so many as there were in the distant past. In a monarchy there is a sovereign such as a king, a queen, an emperor or an empress - in short - a monarch.
There was a time when monarchies were absolute. Nowadays, they are often limited by a constitution, that is, the king or queen is the sovereign but the Parliament is responsible for the real government.
One of the most ancient and famous monarchies in the world is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The countries of the United Kingdom are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (or Ulster).
Among the British people there is some criticism about the empire, but even this is part of a millenary tradition.
there is = há (singular, presente);
there are = há (plural, presente);
there was = havia, houve (singular, passado);
there were = haviam, houveram (plural, passado).
all over = around even this = equal this
in short = in a few words = briefly
often = frequently however=but,yet
nowadays = presently kingdom = reign
From Compact English Book, Wilson Liberato, Edit FTD,Vol único, p 8/9.
Compreensão da leitura do texto.
1. Marque a alternativa de acordo com o texto.
a) Ainda há muitas monarquias no mundo.
b) Há diferenças entre monarcas e soberanos.
c) 0 monarca é um dos reis da monarquia.
d) Antigamente havia muito mais monarquias.
e) Uma imperatriz não pode ser monarca.

2. Segundo o texto, na maioria das monarquias modernas:
a) o rei reina, mas não governa.
b) o rei reina e governa.
c) o monarca é absoluto.
d) o monarca atribui o governo ao Parlamento.
e) a soberania é de um rei e de uma rainha.

3.0 texto informa que
a) a República da Irlanda faz parte do Reino Unido.
b) o Reino Unido é formado por quatro países.
c) a Grã-Bretanha faz parte da Inglaterra.
d) a Gália faz parte do Reino Unido.
e) o Reino Unido é a monarquia mais antiga do mundo.

4. De acordo com o texto, podemos deduzir que
a) os britânicos criticam o império, sem poupar inclusive a tradição.
b) apesar da tradição milenar, os britânicos são criticados por seu governo.
c) o sistema monárquico não conta com a aprovação total dos britânicos.
d) a crítica aos imperialistas britânicos faz parte da tradição.
e) até a crítica ao povo britânico é milenar.

5. As palavras even this, destacadas no texto, referem-se
a) ao povo britânico.
b) a milenar.
c) à tradição.
d) ao império.
e) à crítica.

6. A expressão "in short" traduz-se por
a) ou seja.
b) em resumo.
c) em princípio.
d) a propósito.
e) isto é.
GABARITO: 1= D); 2=A); 3=B); 4=C); 5= E) 6=B)

Grammar = structures

1. Pronúncia de palavras homófonas (homo = igual + fono = som)
Some=sum (algum(s)/ soma); not=knot (não/ nó);
in=inn (dentro, em, no, na/hotel); by=bye (por, pela/ adeus, tchau).
2. Pronúncia - Vogal tônica das palavras:
stant; sovereign /:vran/ (duas sílabas)
monarch /:nak/; ábsolute;
mited; góvernment; éncient;

3. Diferenças na pronúncia de still /stil/ (ainda) x steel /sti:l/(aço) som longo;
many /meni/ x money /muni/;
people /pi:pal/ x pupil /pju:pel/.
4. Capitais (países do UK= United Kingdom)
England/London; Scotland/ Edinburgh;
Wales/Cardiff; Northern Ireland/Belfast).

Outras monarquias parlamentaristas:
(BEIJaS) Bélgica, Espanha, Japão e Suécia.

5. Aspectos gramaticais - PLURAL DAS PALAVRAS
Plural de palavras terminadas em ch com som de /k/ acrescenta-se apenas - s.
Ex.: monarchs. patriarchs. epochs. stomachs.
As palavras terminadas em ch com som de /tf/ acrescenta-se - es:
branch/es(galho/s). Beach/es (praia/s). Bitch/es (cadela/s).

6. Gênero/gender = male x female (masculine X feminine)

boy/girl; brother/sister (irmão/ã); dog/bitch;
emperor/empress (imperador/);
heir/heiress (herdeiro/);
horse/mare; husband/wife (esposo/);
king/queen (rei/...); man/woman (homem/...);

7. vocabulário - Adjetivos alive (vivo); Iive(ao vivo);

The animals were alive. (Os animais estavam vivos)
A palavra live é pronunciada /Iiv/ quando for verbo

e /laiv/ quando for adjetivo: we live /Iiv/ alone.
A live /laiv/ show.

8. Sufixos
ful = forma adjetivos a partir de substantivos: use / useful (útil);
fruit / fruitful; beauty / beautiful; Wonder / wonderful...
Y = forma adjetivos a partir de substantivos:
health/healthy (saudável); rain/rainy(chuvoso);

9. Pronunciation
nas palavras living, long, king, during, ... o ng tem som de n isto é o som do g não é tão forte (são conhecidas como silent letters) quanto nas palavras: tag; bag; leg
0 /W/ na palavra answer não é pronunciado (silent word =letra silenciosa)
0 /t/ em often pode ser pronunciado ou não.

FILMES E VÍDEOS DO PAS UnB 2024 - PLAYLIST das 3 Etapas com mais de 120 filmes e vídeos

Playlist dos filmes e vídeos do PAS/UnB, ENEM E VESTIBULARES . Se você tiver um tempinho para relax, não deixe de dar uma fugidinha no meu o...